1. The Western Cape Education Department is pleased to be able to provide the Director of each EMDC with the results obtained by schools in the EMDC for each paper in the province.
2. The information provided is confidential and should be provided to the curriculum advisers as per their subject. Statistics are given indicating the provincial average for each question, as well as the provincial average for the paper as a whole.
3. Curriculum advisers are to study the statistics, which include the EMDC's overall performance in the paper in relation to the provincial performance, as well as the performance of all schools in the EMDC that wrote the particular paper.
4. This data, together with the overall statistics that have been provided to EMDCs, as well as the data comparing the CASS and examination marks per subject, must be used to plan specific interventions for improving practice in each subject at the schools.
5. It is hoped that the provision of these statistics will assist the EMDCs in ensuring that all schools improve on their performance in the Senior Certificate examinations.

DATE: 2007:01:10

"The documents referred to as attachments to the minute are not attached to this e-mail, but are available as hard copies and will be posted shortly.
An exemplar of the type of statistics mentioned in this minute is attached below as a PDF file."
Question Analysis - November 2006  (size: 66 KB)