1. Each organisation needs to plan for its human resources in order to meet its service delivery needs and objectives. In South Africa with its segregated past we need to plan in order to afford all eligible citizens equal access to the work environment.
2. The objectives of the Employment Equity Act, 1998, are to ensure:
(a) a representative workforce;
(b) equal opportunities; and
(c) implementation of affirmative action measures.
3. After the WCED adopted its Employment Equity Plan in 2002 a number of guidelines and directives were drafted and consulted, to guide compliance to the Act. During 2005 the WCED consulted policy implementation directives for education institutions to ensure compliance to the WCED Employment Equity Plan and its objectives as well as the objectives in the Employment Equity Act, 1998. This directive is attached as annexure A and the provisions in this minute will be implemented with immediate effect.
4. Your co-operation in ensuring that the WCED adheres to the Act and the objectives thereof is appreciated.

DATE: 2006:01:17

Annexure A  (size: 49 KB)
Employment Equity Act, 1998  (size: 28 KB)