1. The 2006 Annual Survey for public ordinary schools is to be conducted online via the CEMIS database. Private schools have not yet been included on the CEMIS database and will thus be required to complete the conventional annual survey form and follow the return procedure explained in the survey documentation that was issued to private schools.
2. As was indicated in Minute 0005/2006, CEMIS should allow us to edit information on existing learners, transfer-in registered learners, register new learners from outside CEMIS, transfer learners between schools, and complete and edit the snap and annual survey details online.
3. Maintaining the accuracy of the Database

It is imperative that all transactions with the database carried out at a school should be completed in order to derive the learner component data for the annual survey. This means that ALL

  • transfers-in,

  • transfers-out,

  • new registrations,

  • deregistrations,

  • updating of subject choices for FET band learners, and

  • updating of learner information in fields like extramural activities should be completed by the school.

All schools included in CEMIS have been shown how to conduct transactions with the database. Additional assistance is available from the field representatives of Deloitte and SAB&T, the call centre at telephone number 0800 204 800, and the CEMIS office at any of the following telephone numbers (021) 467 2289/ 2290/ 2291/ 2292/ 2293/ 2294/ 2295 / 2297/ 2220/ 2221.

Additional functions are being developed in the database and it is, therefore, essential that the staff who maintain the CEMIS system at schools remain abreast of new CEMIS developments through the updates provided.

Note that the registration of Senior Certificate candidates will be done via CEMIS in 2006. The Examinations Directorate will inform schools shortly about the new process.

4. Online Annual Survey
4.1 Learner component (Section 2)

Only after all the transfers, new registrations and deregistrations have been completed, will the online survey report accurately reflect the survey data. The principal and the CEMIS management team must ensure that all database transactions are completed in order for the system to generate the correct totals for the school.

The principal must sign off the correctness of the annual survey numbers generated for the school’s learner component by clicking the sign-off button and printing a copy of each page for the school’s records. This signing-off process may proceed as from Wednesday, 15 March 2006, but must be completed by Tuesday, 28 March 2006.

4.2 Other components (Sections 1, 3, 4 and 5)

Section 1: The general school information will be provided with spaces in which to indicate any changes.

Section 3: Completed physical resource tables will be provided where information is available. Otherwise, schools themselves must complete these tables by typing in the correct details.

Section 4: Resources and equipment tables will be provided and these must be completed by each school.

Section 5: Finance questions must also be answered by each school.

4.3 Online Annual Survey: Sign-off
4.3.1 As soon as the different sections of the online survey have been completed between 15 and 28 March 2006, each section’s sign-off button must be clicked to signify final completion of that section.
4.3.2 Please print each of the signed-off sections and file a signed and dated copy for the school’s records.
4.3.3 Each school’s progress with the completion of the sections of the annual survey will be monitored and each sign-off automatically recorded in the database.
5. CEMIS Prize-giving and the Consortium
5.1 A prize-giving function will be held on 22 March 2006. Based on a number of criteria, prizes will be awarded to schools that excelled in making the introduction and functioning of CEMIS at their school an outstanding success. Schools will be notified.
5.2 The brief of the consortium has been extended so that they may conduct an audit of 100 schools across the province to establish whether there is a reliable correlation between the CEMIS database and the actual situation at schools. This process is currently in progress and will last until May 2006.
6. From 1 April 2006 onwards, all CEMIS queries should be directed to the Directorate: Education Research at telephone number 021 467 2290 or 467 2289, or to the numbers given above.
7. Thank you for your co-operation and patience with the introduction of this new system.

DATE: 2006:03:03