1. Recently concluded collective agreements of the Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC) make provision for the following:
1.1 Collective Agreement 3 of 2006: [size: 958 KB]  Re-grading of public schools (and adjustment of salaries of principals in terms of the new grading norms)
1.2 Collective Agreement 5 of 2006: [size: 791 KB]  All institution- and office-based educators to be considered for accelerated salary progression and senior teachers to be considered for grade progression to the level of Master Teacher
2. The following progress has already been made within the Western Cape Education Department with regard to the above agreements:
2.1 All schools have been regraded in terms of the relevant collective agreement.
2.2 The salaries of qualifying principals have been adjusted accordingly and their back pay were deposited in their bank accounts on 15 June 2006.
2.3 As regards the accelerated pay- and grade progression, the adjustment on the Persal System of the salaries of qualifying teachers will be dealt with in the near future.
3. Enclosed [see above] are copies of Collective Agreements 3/2006 and 5/2006, as accepted by the ELRC, the contents of which are self-explanatory.
4. Kindly bring the contents of this minute to the attention of all educators and members of governing bodies.

DATE: 2006:07:28