1. In order to enable centre managers to make the necessary arrangements to collect and check the results, the following target dates are provided. Kindly note that these dates and times are tentative and that any changes in the arrangements will appear in the press. EMDCs will be kept fully informed.
1.1 Thursday, 28 December 2006 at 08:00 N.B. Not before 08:00: Centre managers obtain results at EMDCs
1.2 Centre managers are given 4 hours to check the results for any obvious errors.
1.3 Thursday, 28 December 2006 at 12:00: Results may be given to candidates at the respective centres.
1.4 Friday, 29 December 2006 at 06:00: Results will also be available on the following website: http://wced.wcape.gov.za
1.5 Candidates will have to enter their examination numbers and their identity numbers in order to view their individual results.
1.6 Thursday, 4 January 2007 after 12:00: Results not collected are posted to the centres by the EMDCs.
2. As it is imperative that all parties adhere strictly to these arrangements, your co-operation will be much appreciated.

DATE: 2006:11:10