1.1 Please note that all comments and complaints regarding national and departmental question papers must reach the Directorate: Examinations within three days after the completion of the examinations for the specific question paper(s).
1.2 This arrangement is necessary as the panels of examiners for the national question papers discuss the memorandum three days after each examination. The impact which complaints would have on the marking process must be discussed at the earliest possible time to prevent the candidates from being disadvantaged.
1.3 The letter to the Directorate: Examinations must have no reference to the school’s name. Only the centre number must be displayed to facilitate preparation for the National Department of Education.
1.4 All relevant documentation is to be submitted to the Directorate: Examinations, for the attention of Mrs M M Ludick (mmludick@pgwc.gov.za or cbotman@pgwc.gov.za) or Fax 021 461 5628.


In the case of assessment irregularities identified while the question paper is being written, the following procedure should be applied:

2.1 The invigilator must remove the candidate’s answer script and write the word “IRREGULARITY” on the front outside cover page, the type of the irregularity and the date, time and place of the irregularity;
2.2 The words “Answer script confiscated on ... at …:…(time)” must be written on the outside cover page in bold print;
2.3 The invigilator must take possession of any unauthorised or incriminating material, such as notes or any other object, used directly or indirectly or in the possession of the candidate that may have been used to commit the irregularity;
2.4 Such material must be attached to the confiscated answer script, which then becomes the property of the department and neither the candidate nor his or her parent(s) or guardians have the right to demand its return;
2.5 The invigilator must then give the candidate a new answer script. This answer script must also be endorsed with the words “NEW ANSWER SCRIPT” together with the date and time of issue;
2.6 The candidate must be informed that the fact that he or she is allowed to continue with the examination does not serve as a condonation of his other contravention of examination regulations, but that a written report will be submitted to the chief invigilator at the conclusion of the examination and that the incident will be reported to the Provincial Examinations Irregularities Committee (PEIC);
2.7 The invigilator must not allow any additional time to compensate for time lost in the course of detecting and processing the examination irregularity;
2.8 The invigilator, following the completion of the examination, must immediately submit a full written report to the chief invigilator concerning the irregularity;
2.9 The candidate, following the completion of the examination, must be confronted about the irregularity and given the opportunity to provide a written declaration or response to the alleged offence;
2.10 Where the candidate refuses to submit the required written declaration or provide a response, this refusal must be confirmed in writing by the invigilator. The candidate must sign the statement made by the invigilator;
2.11 Where the candidate refuses to comply with sub-regulation 2.10, another invigilator attached to the examination centre must provide a written statement confirming the refusal of the candidate to provide a written declaration; and
2.12 The answer script, any incriminating material and all applicable statements must then be submitted to the department for the attention of Mrs M.M. Ludick (mmludick@pgwc.gov.za or cbotman@pgwc.gov.za). The form for reporting any irregularities can also be faxed for the attention of Mrs M.M. Ludick to 021 461 5628.

3. You are also referred to items J and K of the Procedure Manual for Principals and Invigilators, as well as to the Government Gazette Vol. 484, No 28156 of 21 October 2005 on Regulations for the Conduct, Administration and Management of Assessment for the Senior Certificate Examination.

4. An urgent appeal is made to principals and chief invigilators to ensure that the above instructions are strictly adhered to.

DATE: 2006:08:16