1. Schools that were allocated a dance teacher post for 2006, and who wish to continue to offer the subject in 2007, as well as schools that have requested a dance teacher post, must fill in the attached application forms.
2. The completed application forms must be submitted to the Director: Curriculum Development, at the WCED Head Office, Private Bag X9114, Cape Town, 8000, by Friday, 20 October 2006.
3. Schools that do not wish to retain their dance teacher post in 2007, are requested to inform the Director: Curriculum Development, at fax no.021 467 2620 or at e-mail address
jrault-smith@pgwc, by no later than Friday, 20 October 2006.
4. To clarify the criteria for selection of schools, please find attached the 'Criteria for the Allocation of Dance Posts' (September 2006).

DATE: 2006:09:29

Application form  (size: 27 KB)
Criteria  (size: 8 KB)