1. This minute should be read in conjunction with both Curriculum Minutes 0021/2006 and 0040/2006.
2. The subjects listed in Annexure A of Curriculum Minute 0021/2006 are managed by EMDCs and therefore the EMDC will inform you of the venues for these subjects.
3. The subjects listed in Annexure B of Curriculum Minute 0021/2006 are managed from Head Office by the Directorate: Curriculum Development.
4. The venues for these subjects are listed as an Annexure to this minute.
5. Teachers are reminded to bring the documents as mentioned in Curriculum Minute 0040/2006 to the subject orientation workshops. Please note that the WCED will not provide these documents at the workshops since they were already distributed to all schools.
6. Should you require further information, you may contact the WCED FET provincial co-ordinator, Mr T Smit, at telephone number 021 467 2630, or e-mail him at tcessmit@pgwc.gov.za

DATE: 2006:06:08

Annexure  (size: 11 KB)