1. You are referred to Circular 0039/2000, dated 8 May 2000, under cover of which the manual, Basic Financial System for Schools, was first issued.
2. The manual has been brought in line with the latest legislation and best practices and the second edition is now being issued on a CD. Each EMDC is responsible for its distribution to the public schools under its jurisdiction.
3. The CD will be officially launched by the Provincial Minister of Education, Mr Cameron Dugmore, on 12 September 2006.
4. The printed version of the revised manual is expected to be available for distribution to schools in November 2006.
5. The following is once again brought to your attention:
5.1 The manual is issued in terms of Section 37(1) of the South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act no. 84 of 1996), which prescribes that a governing body of a school must establish and administer a school fund in accordance with directions issued by the Head of the Department. It is expected of schools and governing bodies to enforce the directives and guidelines contained in the manual. The manual describes only the minimum requirements.
5.2 Schools are also requested to regularly submit to their EMDCs recommendations regarding best practice and improvements to the manual.
5.3 Teams have been established at all the EMDCs to provide, free of charge, support and training in the procedures outlined in the manual. Before seeking help from outside parties, schools are advised to first approach their EMDC for such assistance.
6. You are kindly requested to bring this minute to the attention of all concerned.

DATE: 2006:09:06