1. Collective Agreement 4/2003 of the Education Labour Relations Council makes provision for institution- and office-based educators to qualify for salary progression of a 1% notch increment per year.
2. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) has paid the 1% notch increments, with effect from 1 July 2005 for the previous cycle, to those qualifying institution- and office-based educators for whom schools/offices submitted baseline scores.
3. The outstanding cases of institution- and office-based educators for the 1 July 2005 payment will be dealt with individually and, as soon as the WCED receives their baseline scores, the 1% notch increments will be paid to those who qualify.
4. Please note that in the case of the institution- based educators July 2006 pay progression will be based on the summative evaluations of the 2005 cycle. The July 2006 pay progression of the office- based educators will be based on the appraisal of the 2005/2006 cycle.
5. Kindly bring the contents of this minute to the attention of all educators concerned.

DATE: 2005:12:19