1. School library or resource centre material (including audiobooks and videos), which has recently been evaluated by the EDULIS Evaluators: Curriculum Resources and recommended for purchase by school libraries or resource centres, will be on exhibition as follows:
Venue:                  EDULIS Seminar Room, 15 Kruskal Avenue, 
Duration of exhibition: 19 September - 7 October 2005 
                        (i.e. 15 weekdays)
Visiting times:         Mondays to Fridays, 10:30 to 16:00
2. The reference works and information resources on exhibition cover a wide range of learning areas. A large variety of picture books and teenage fiction will also be exhibited.
3. The EDULIS Evaluators: Curriculum Resources will be present to answer questions about the above resource material, which should be purchased by schools from their annual Norms and Standards allocation or from school funds.
4. Afrikaans, English and Xhosa fiction works will be discussed on two afternoons, 5 and 6 October 2005, between 15:00 and 16:30.
5. It would be much appreciated if the two attached notices could be displayed in a prominent place and if the educators in charge of school libraries or resource centres, in particular, could be informed of the exhibition and the fiction talks.

DATE: 2005:09:06

Notice 1  (size: 11 KB)
Notice 2  (size: 15 KB)