1. Thank you for your efforts and sacrifices thus far to get the Central Education Management Information System (CEMIS) established. Your contributions are highly valued.
2. As mentioned at the roadshows, the CEMIS will also include data on all workers employed at the school. The forms attached to this minute are to be used to collect the data of all state-paid employees and employees paid by the school governing body (SGB). If your school has been supplied with more than 60 forms, you should receive two envelopes containing the forms. The second label on the envelope will indicate how many envelopes you should have received.
3. The same form is to be used to capture the data of all the personnel.
3.1 A clear distinction is made, on the front page of the form, between state-paid and SGB-paid employees. Please ensure that the appropriate block is ticked.
3.2 The front page will clearly indicate the person’s name and the position in which the person is employed, e.g. principal, educator, admin clerk, care-taker, secretary, bursar, cleaner, driver, psychologist, truancy officer, gardener, etc.
3.3 Certain parts of the form may only be applicable to certain school employees. Please ensure that all the relevant parts are completed for the specific employee.
3.4 All educators, admin staff, cleaning staff, professional staff and auxiliary staff employed at the school must complete the form.
4. Principals are requested to issue a form to each employee and keep a signed record indicating the issue and return dates. The school employees are to be requested to return their completed and signed forms to the principal within seven days.
5. The employee and the principal must sign the completed form.
6. Principals are requested to attach a complete staff list to the forms that are to be handed to the service provider. The number of forms handed over should be indicated. A sample of a staff list is attached.
7. When the completed forms are ready for collection, the principal must contact the regional representative of the CEMIS service provider, Deloitte and SAB&T consortium. Principals are requested to ensure that all the completed forms are returned to the service provider by 21 October 2005.
8. The service provider will capture the form electronically and provide the electronic data to the Western Cape Education Department. The school data will be made available to the school through an on-line system in 2006.
9. Should you have any queries in connection with the completion of the forms, please contact your CEMIS regional representative, the CEMIS toll-free number 0800 204 800 or A Noordien on 467 2289.
10. We thank all the role players in anticipation of their co-operation and assistance in producing this administrative system.

DATE: 2005:10:03

Staff list  (size: 18 KB)