1. Included with this minute are the computerised mark sheets for entering the Grade 9 marks per learning area. Principals are requested to complete these mark sheets to enable the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) to forward data timeously to the national Department of Education.
2. The mark sheets, which are to be completed per learning area, contain space for the marks of both components of the learning area. Thus both the Continuous Assessment (CASS) out of 75 and Common Tasks for Assessment (CTA) out of 25 marks for every learner per learning area will be captured on the same sheet. Please note that the mark sheets are double-sided.
3. Principals are requested to ensure that all the learners are registered and that the particulars are correct.
3.1 If a learner’s name does not appear on the mark sheets, the name must not be added to the mark sheet, as it will not be scanned. The school must process the learner’s mark and submit the learner’s details and marks on a separate folio.
3.2 If the particulars of any learner are incorrect, this must be indicated on a separate folio and not changed on the mark sheet.
4. It is of the utmost importance that the marks entered for CASS for each learner are the moderated marks. The tasks that constitute the CTAs have already been standardised and moderated and therefore, in marking these, teachers must adhere very strictly to the marking memorandum.
5. Please note that the entering of one mark requires the shading of two lozenges on the mark sheet. For example, should a learner achieve a mark of 47 for the CASS component of a learning area, it will be necessary to shade both the lozenge below the 40 on the upper line of the CASS block and the lozenge below the 7 on the lower line. Should the learner achieve a mark of below 10 for either of the components, it will be necessary to shade the lozenge below the 0 on the upper line and the lozenge below the relevant mark on the lower line.
6. The following problems were encountered when the marks of 2002 and 2003 were scanned:
6.1 More than one lozenge was shaded in a specific row.
6.2 Teachers crossed out marks, changed names and data, numbered the mark sheets and put the school stamp right over the bar code.
6.3 Instead of shading the lozenge, teachers drew a thin or very small line in the lozenge that was not detectable by the scanner.
6.4 Where learners were either absent (A), deregistered (D) or transferred (T), these omissions were not indicated on the mark sheet.
6.5 Marks achieved for the CTA and CASS were added together and the total indicated in the mark grid, which resulted in the mark sheets being rejected as the maximum mark was exceeded.
7. The following instructions are to be adhered to when handling the forms:
7.1 The mark sheets must not be folded.
7.2 The mark sheets must not be stapled or clipped together.
7.3 The mark sheets must not be placed in plastic pockets or sleeves.
7.4 No punch holes may be made in the mark sheets.
7.5 No glue may be used on the mark sheets.
7.6 Do not stamp the mark sheets with the school stamp.
7.7 Do NOT use red ink to fill in the marks. Use either a black or blue pen.
7.8 Use only an HB or dark lead pencil for shading the lozenges in the mark grid.
7.9 Strictly, no photocopies or old mark sheets may be used.
7.10 Do not add learners to the mark sheet.
8. Should there not be a mark for a learner for a learning area or for a component of the learning area, please note the following:
8.1 The reason for the mark being omitted must be indicated by shading the relevant lozenge on the mark sheet:
"A" for an absent learner
"D" for a “deregistered” learner 
"T“ for a transferred learner.  
8.2 If a learner was absent due to illness, a valid medical certificate must be submitted, whereupon the learner’s CASS mark will be taken into consideration as a final mark.
9. The completed mark sheets must be submitted by Friday, 2 December 2005
by post to	
The Head: Education
Western Cape Education Department
For attention: Mr L. Samuels
Directorate: Examinations (GETC)
Private Bag X9114
Cape Town
or via SKYNET Courier Services (021 531 9191), addressed For attention: Mr L. Samuels Western Cape Education Department Directorate: Examinations (GETC) Room 417, 4th floor Lower Parliament Street Cape Town 8001.
10. This system of data capturing depends entirely on the marksheets being 100% correct. Your co-operation in this matter is therefore essential and will be greatly appreciated.

DATE: 2005:10:03

The documents, referred to in this minute were sent to schools.