2. |
The 5 days of orientation (08:30 – 16:00 each day) begin on Monday, 26 September 2005 and continue until Friday, 30 September 2005, when the final session will end at 15:00.
3. |
The 3 days of orientation (08:30 – 16:00 each day) begin on Wednesday, 28 September 2005 and continue until Friday, 30 September, when the final session will end at 15:00.
4. |
Orientation will take place in the following subjects:
Tourism, Mathematical Literacy, Economics, Computer Applications Technology (CAT), Agricultural Sciences and the four Technology subjects (Civil Technology, Electrical Technology, Mechanical Technology, Engineering Graphics and Design)
5. |
Although principals were requested to register teachers by Friday, 26 August 2005, late registrations were accepted up until Monday, 5 September 2005. No further registrations can be accommodated as all logistical arrangements have already been made.
6. |
Principals are earnestly requested to ensure that all teachers adhere to the arrangements. Many logistical problems were experienced during the June-July workshops when teachers deviated from the arrangements; many non-registered teachers presented themselves at the venues, while others, without any approval, changed venues. This resulted in shortages of handout material, overcrowding of venues and inadequate catering.
7. |
Owing to the demand for the subjects Mathematical Literacy, Economics and Computer Applications Technology, these subjects will be accommodated in EMDC contexts.
8. |
Owing to the smaller numbers in the Tourism and Technology subjects (Civil Technology, Electrical Technology, Mechanical Technology, Engineering Graphics and Design), centralised workshops will be held for these.
9. |
The names of the schools that have registered, as well as their orientation venues, are indicated in Annexure A. Principals are requested to convey this information immediately to the teachers concerned. Only teachers who have registered and been allocated venues will receive subject orientation material and be refunded for any travelling costs to the venues.
10. |
Owing to limited funds available in the Department, teachers will be provided with only light lunches. Morning and afternoon tea or coffee will be served.
11. |
Teachers will be reimbursed for travelling expenses. It is, therefore, essential that each teacher brings the following to the workshop:
11.1 |
His or her Persal number
11.2 |
Registration details of the vehicle he or she is using for transport
12. |
Teachers making use of public transport must attach official receipts to their claims for travelling expenses.
13. |
Where teachers travel by mini-bus taxi, their claims must be accompanied by either the receipts issued or a letter from the principal stating expenditure incurred. Each teacher must submit a separate, verified claim.
14. |
Registered teachers attending one of the centralised workshops for Tourism or Agriculture or one of the four Technology subjects will be reimbursed for both travel and reasonable accommodation costs.
15. |
No teacher will be reimbursed for travel or accommodation costs if he or she travels to the workshop from his or her holiday destination.
16. |
Teachers must submit all claims to their respective EMDC chief curriculum advisers, who will manage expenses incurred.
17. |
Teachers are requested to bring the following documents to the subject orientation workshops (These documents were distributed to all schools and will not be provided again by the WCED.):
17.1 |
The relevant subject statement
17.2 |
The ELRC Policy Handbook for Educators (2003)
17.3 |
The Draft White Paper on e-Education (2003)
17.4 |
Analysis of New Knowledge, Skills, Methodology, IT and Assessment (issued to all subject teachers in 2004 during the subject scoping workshops)
17.5 |
Subject Information Guide (issued to all teachers in 2004 during the subject scoping workshops)
18. |
Teachers will receive the following documents at the subject orientation workshops:
18.1 |
A subject learning programme guideline document
18.2 |
Afrikaans versions of the subject statements, where applicable
18.3 |
A course participant’s manual
18.4 |
A subject workshop resource pack (It will be translated into Afrikaans and distributed during the third term, where applicable.)
19. |
In preparation for the orientation workshops, teachers are encouraged to visit the FET website (http://curriculum.wcape.school.za) and to download the document entitled The National Senior Certificate: A qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).
20. |
Should you require further information, you may contact the WCED FET provincial co-ordinator, Mr T Smit, at telephone number 021 467 2630, or e-mail him at tcessmit@pgwc.gov.za
DATE: 2005:09:15