1. |
Please refer to Circular Minute LS 0006/2002 of 10 June 2002 in which the procedure to be followed for procuring goods and services was set out. In this regard your attention is drawn to the following: |
1.1 |
Expenses which exceed R30 000 must be advertised on open tender. |
1.2 |
In cases where the item is not available on contract requisitions must be submitted at least 48 days prior to the date on which the service is required. |
1.3 |
The Directorate: Logistical Services will schedule the tender offers, approach the requisitioners for their recommendations, and submit tender offers to the WCED Bid Committee for consideration. |
2. |
The meeting dates of the WCED Bid Committee for 2004 are as follows:
Month | Day |
February March April May June July Aug September October November December |
2 and 16 1, 15 and 29 13 and 26 10 and 24 7 and 21 5 and 19 2, 16 and 30 13 and 27 11 and 25 8 and 22 6 |
3. |
Your attention is once again drawn to paragraph 1.2 above and you are requested to submit your requisitions timeously. |
4. |
Your co-operation will be appreciated. |
DATE: 2004:01:30