1. In terms of the Supply Chain Management Process, the need for goods and services must be planned well in advance by the Accounting Officer so as to ensure that goods and services are acquired in the most efficient, effective and economical manner, taking into account government procurement guidelines. Proper planning will also allow for timeous delivery of goods and services.
2. It is also required that the WCED’s procurement plans be submitted to Treasury to ensure compliance with provincial procurement goals.
3. In view of the above, ALL responsibility managers are required to complete the annexures in respect of the current and consecutive financial years. The completed annexures must be approved by the relevant Chief Director and submitted to Mr RL Africa, Room 6-03, 6th Floor, Grand Central Building, before Wednesday, 26 May 2004. Any inquiries in this regard may be directed to Mr Africa at telephone number (021) 467 2819.
4. The following guidelines must be followed when requisitions are submitted:
4.1 Determine the need for goods and services required for the financial year and verify the quantity of goods and frequency of services requested.
4.2 Allocate funds for the acquisition of the goods and services.
4.3 Submit requisitions for goods and services to a maximum value of R 50 000, 00 at least 30 days before they are required (Sourcelink quotations). For the invitation of formal bids (for goods and services exceeding R50 000,00 in value), the requisition(s) with detailed specifications must be submitted 60 days before the goods and/or services are required.
4.4 Ensure that specifications are correct. Incorrect specifications are a common cause of delays.
4.5 Ensure that all requisitions are numbered consecutively. Your Chief User code must precede the requisition number.
4.6 Divide requisitions in the following manner and submit separate requisitions for the following items:
  • Contract items, including HP cartridges, Brother cartridges, IT equipment, reprographic machines and courier services

  • Non-contract items, including stationery, e.g. paper, pencils, date stamps, stamp pads, rulers, highlighters, etc.

  • Government Printer items, including all forms identified by a Z number. The lead time for delivery of these forms is approximately 3 months.

  • Equipment, including standard and non standard furniture.

5. The BAS Expenditure Structure must be clearly reflected on the VA2 requisition form.
6. In respect of bids, the cost of advertising in the bid bulletin (compulsory) as well as in the external media (optional), is for the account of the Responsibility Manager requesting the service.
7. Late submission of requisitions may not allow sufficient time to follow all the procurement processes timeously and this will delay both delivery and payment.
8. Thank you for you co-operation.

DATE: 2004:05:10

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Annexure:  REQUEST FOR GOODS AND SERVICES FOR 2004/2005  (size: 20 KB)