1. In terms of the Revised Post Distribution Model (RPDM) educator staff establishments must be provided to schools before or on 30 September of the previous year. (Refer to Annexure A which was attached to Circular 0143/2002 of 15 November 2002.)
2. The Minister of Education, recognised unions and governing body associations in the province have begun with consultations regarding the number of posts that the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) can afford for 2005. The Minister and other role-players are also engaged in consultative processes which could have an impact on educator staff establishments. It therefore does not seem likely that the WCED will be able to issue these staff establishments to schools before the end of October or early November 2004.
3. Please inform governing bodies and educators of the delay in the issuing of the educator staff establishments for 2005. We are, however, confident that this delay will ultimately be in the interest of our schools.

DATE: 2004:09:03

The documents, which are referred to as annexures to the minute, are not attached but are available as hard copies.