1. The policy regarding circulars and minutes was announced in Circulars 0026/96 of 14 March 1996, 0036/99 of 6 April 1999 and 0001/04 of 5 January 2004.
2. In terms of this policy, distinguishing alpha-numerical numbers had to be allocated to minutes issued by directorates and EMDCs, e.g. Logistical Services: LS 0001/2004. The alpha part of the number was a code representing the directorate concerned. The numerical part was the chronological number of the minute and the year in which it was issued.
3. In order to avoid any uncertainty, the code of the directorate or EMDC will, however, be replaced by the full name in future, e.g. LOGISTICAL SERVICES MINUTE: 0001/2005 and EMDC WEST COAST/WINELANDS MINUTE: 0001/2005
4. The codes allocated to directorates initially appear on the attached list (Annexure A) and are also available on the WCED web page at WCED Circulars and Minutes.
5. Please bring the contents of this minute to the attention of all concerned.
6. Any enquiries regarding the contents of this minute may be directed to Ms ME Erasmus at 021 467 2765 or Ms MM Fick at 021 467 2758.

DATE: 2004:11:04

Annexure A  (size: 9 KB)