1. You are hereby requested to complete the enclosed entry forms as well as Annexures B and C in respect of your school’s/centre’s learners for the 2004 Senior Certificate examination. Should additional forms be required, you may make the necessary copies. The completed entry forms and accompanying annexures in respect of full-time, part-time (ABET) and private learners must reach this office not later than 15 March 2004. (NB.: Forms from previous years as well as incomplete forms will not be accepted).

2. Every year the Department experiences difficulties finalising the entries for the examination as a result of errors. Numerous requests for subject and grade changes are also received after finalising the entries as well as during the examination. You will appreciate the fact that these requests create immense difficulties during the processing of results and also places an additional workload on the Directorate : Examinations. Please ensure that entry forms are thus completed correctly in all respects. No subject or grade changes will therefore be allowed this year after the finalising of the entries. You are referred to Circular 0167/2003 in this regard. During the November 2003 examination numerous learners changed their subjects/grades illegally and their results were kept back for 14 days. This year the Department reserves the right to declare these results null and void.

In order to avoid some of these problems, you are requested to take care of the following aspects when registering learners:

Learners from ELSEN and finishing schools who offer less than six subjects but accumulate continuous assessment (CASS) marks. REGISTER AS FULL-TIME
Learners not attending class at a school or centre. REGISTER AS PRIVATE
Learners attending ABET classes and finishing schools and not accumulating CASS marks. REGISTER AS PART-TIME

(ii) Please ensure that the correct subject choice for each learner is indicated. Learners’ subjects will be limited to the school/centre’s curriculum. When completing the entry forms, please make sure which of the following subjects are offered by your school/centre and that learners are entered correctly in this regard.
  • Woodwork/ Woodworking

  • Functional Physical Science SG/ Physical Science SG or HG

  • Functional Mathematics SG/ Mathematics HG or SG/

  • Additional Mathematics HG

  • Sculpture SG/Graphic Art SG/ Design SG/ Painting SG/ Art HG or SG

  • Typing SG/ Computyping SG/ Computer Studies HG or SG

  • Biology HG or SG/ Physiology HG or SG

(iii) In cases where candidates receive tuition in the art subjects at an art centre, a letter in which the art centre confirms the subjects offered by these learners, must accompany the entry forms.

3. The details of each learner’s entry will appear on a preliminary schedule of entries which will be forwarded to you during April 2004. At this stage you will be able to make any necessary final corrections/changes to the entries of the learners. These documents must be returned to the Department not later than 30 April 2004. Please note that motivated applications for grade changes must be made under separate cover.

4. Centre managers of Community Learning Centres must please complete the entry forms marked “ABET”.
4.1 Particulars must be printed in ink using block letters.
4.2 If an error occurs, it must be carefully corrected.
4.4 Please note the following when you complete the entry form:
4.4.1 Entry forms must be arranged in strict alphabetical order.
4.4.2 Principals and Centre managers as well as Heads of Colleges must ensure that an entry form is completed for each full-time and part-time learner who wishes to enter for the Senior Certificate Examination. FORMS MUST ALSO BE COMPLETED IN RESPECT OF ABSENTEES IRRESPECTIVE OF ANY UNCERTAINTIES AS TO WHETHER A LEARNER WILL WRITE THE EXAMINATION OR NOT.
4.4.3 Principals/Centre managers should note that they are responsible for the correctness of the information on the entry forms and that these forms should under no circumstances be completed by the learners themselves. The learners should check that their entries are correct.
4.4.4 Please check the correctness of the following information:
Sequence number - Allocate a number in numerical order (1,2,3 etc.)
Exam paper language - indicate with an "X"
Certificate language - Indicate the appropriate code with an "X"
Learner status - full-time, part-time or private
Immigrant - Indicate a ¨Y¨(Yes) if the learner has applied for or has received Departmental approval to be registered as an immigrant learner. Mark the field with a “N”(No) if the learner is not classified as an immigrant.
Diacritics on name - (are there any diacritical marks in the learner’s surname(s) or first name(s) e.g. ê or ë or é ?) Indicate “YES/NO”
Race - Is needed by the National Education Department for statistical purposes. The Department is thoroughly aware of the sensitivity surrounding the indication of race on any form. It is, however, important for the Department of National Education to analyse the progress made in education since 1994 in order to address any shortcomings which may be identified. Principals and learners are therefor requested to give their full co-operation in this regard.
Home language - Indicate the appropriate code
LSEN - Indicate the appropriate code
4.4.5 Subject choices for the November 2004 Senior Certificate Examination:

Only subjects with subject codes indicated on the entry form are subjects approved by this Department. Principals, Centre managers of Community Learning Centres and Heads of Colleges are requested to ensure that the correct subject choice is indicated by placing a cross (X) next to each subject in the HG or SG column.

5. Matriculation Endorsement:
5.1 In order to qualify for matriculation endorsement, a learner’s choice of six subjects must include at least one subject from each of four different groups. At least three subjects must be offered on the Higher Grade, of which one must be an official First Language Higher Grade. The remaining two must be chosen from two of the Groups B, C, D, E and F. (In addition to the three Higher Grade subjects, the official Second Language must also be offered on Higher Grade.)
5.2 The Department is prepared to allow a learner taking seven subjects or more to write these additional subjects in November 2004 on condition that they do not clash with any of his/her other subjects on the examination timetable. If examination clashes occur due to subject choice, then the learner may write one of the subjects in the following February/March Supplementary Examination. (NB. Learners should have been registered for the particular subject(s) for the November examination.)
5.3 The marks of the two official languages and the learner’s remaining four best subjects will count towards the aggregate.
5.4 Care must be taken to ensure that the surname, first names, date of birth and or ID number of each learner are absolutely correct because these names will appear on the certificates issued to learners.

6. Address

Each learner’s advice of results will be sent to the address provided on the form by the learner. It is sometimes necessary to contact or correspond with learners during the December holidays. THE DEPARTMENT THEREFORE PREFERS THAT THE LEARNERS’ HOME ADDRESSES BE ENTERED AND NOT THAT OF THE SCHOOL/CENTRE.

7.1 After the principal/centre manager or his/her delegate has completed the entry form, the learner and the principal/centre manager must certify the information as correct and complete.
7.2 The entry form of a learner who is not available owing to illness or other unavoidable circumstances should be signed only by the principal/centre manager. The principal/centre manager should, however, indicate next to his signature that the learner was absent.


The summary sheet must be completed in respect of ALL learners registered with the Department as immigrants who have been exempted from the requirement of having to pass or take a second official language. If a school does not have immigrant learners, a nil return must be submitted.

9. The entry forms may be returned to the Directorate: Examinations by means of the courier service. Principals/centre managers must please ensure that the entry forms reach the Directorate: Examinations on the relevant due date.

10. Circuit managers/ABET Planners are requested to ensure that schools/centres under their supervision submit the entry forms by the return date.


1. You are referred to circular 0073/2003. Schools using the online registration process must start registering their learners as from beginning of February 2004 for the November 2004 Senior Certificate-examination.
2. Please follow the undermentioned instructions carefully:

Step 1
Online registration is done via the Internet and the following "URL" must be used: 2004 Senior Certificate Entries at http://wced.wcape.gov.za and click on "At your service" and "Administrator". Then click "November 2004 Senior Certificate entries" followed by user identity number (Emis no) and password.
ABET centres must also use their Emis numbers as password.

Step 2
Select the type of learner to be registered, e.g. only Fulltime or only ABET etc.

Step 3
A blank entry form will appear. Complete the form by clicking on the appropriate button or select from "drop-down-menu". Click on "add" button to register the next learner.
Then an "update" button will appear. Use this button to change details of registered learners.
Use the "print" button to print a learner’s record for filing purposes. To print a list of all the learners click on “view list of all candidates”.

3. Please note that all closing/return dates as well as instructions applicable to the Manual registration of learners are also applicable to online registration and must be strictly and accurately adhered to.

DATE: 2004:02:02

Annexure A: Entry Form  (size: 17 KB)
Annexure B: Centre Information  (size: 10 KB)
Annexure C: List of Immigrants  (size: 20 KB)