1. You are referred to Circular 0017/2004 and 0023/2004 in this regard.
2. It is again emphasised that these tests are compulsory and will be written by learners in WCED public and independent schools on the following dates:
2.1 Language test: 19 May 2004 from 09:45 to 11:00
2.2 Mathematics test: 27 July 2004 from 09:45 to 11:00
3. Skynet Couriers will deliver the testing documents in two consignments to examination centres. The Language testing documents for the examination on 19 May 2004 being the first consignment, will be delivered to schools from 12-14 May 2004. The Mathematics testing documents for the examination on 27 July 2004 will be delivered to schools from 19-20 July 2004. The parcels will consist of the testing documents, lotto-type answer sheets,cardboards, elastic bands, bar-coded answer return sheets and grey return plastic bags. (For any enquiries in this regard please phone Mr C. Berry at 021 467 2265).
4. Principals must ensure that they receive the correct number of boxes and sign for receipt thereof on the delivery note. Kindly also complete the accompanying checklist ( Annexure A ) after receipt of the testing documents and fax it to the number provided. The boxes must be stored in the school’s strong room and the principal is responsible for the safe-keeping of the keys.
5. The tests must only be answered on the answer-sheets which will be provided. All learners must be seated one hour prior to the commencement of the assessment. This time must be used to complete the registration by each learner for example name, surname, date of birth, language, learning area, school etc. This must be done on the ANSWER SHEET only.
6. These tests must be written under formal examination conditions, and the rules pertaining to the conducting of the Senior Certificate Examination must be applied, without the appointment of external invigilators.
7. The class teacher must put in place the following procedures (one hour) before the commencement of the assessment:
7.1 supply learners with a pencil and eraser.
7.2 to see that answer sheets are supplied to learners,
7.3 to ensure that each learner fill in his/her correct name, surname,gender, language, school, test level, etc.
7.4 supply test to learners 15 minutes before commencement of assessment,
7.5 test must be completed by 11:00 and all answer sheets must be taken in immediately in alphabetical order,
7.6 check that number of answer sheets correspond with number of learners who wrote the test,
7.7 check that the learners name and test level are filled in,
7.8 complete the learner registration form in alphabetical order of the learners who wrote the test. Return that list with the answer sheet and answer sheet return advice.
8. The class teacher must ensure that the Answer Sheet Return Advice and Learner Registration forms are completed correctly, and is placed on top of the batch of lotto-type answer sheets.

Please note that the answer sheets will be electronically processed, therefore great care should be taken with the handling of the answer sheets and accompanying documents.

(8.1) Answer sheets should be batched alphabetically, according to the alphabetical learner registration form, compiled for each classroom or hall.

(8.2) A maximum of fifty (50) sheets should therefore be batched together (each with it’s own learner registration form)

(8.3) When batching, all the documents must be placed between the two pieces of cardboard to prevent them from folding or being damaged

(8.4) The batched answer sheets, (with the answer sheet return advice and the learner registration form placed on top) must be placed in the grey plastic bags provided and returned to the Directorate: Examination for attention Mr. E. van Breda.

The courier is scheduled to collect the parcels within two days after completion of the tests.

Should parcels for the language test not be collected by Monday 24 May 2004, and the mathematics test by Friday 30 July, the directorate must be informed immediately by telephoning: 021 467 2960/1.

9. Kindly note that intensive monitoring will take place. This includes unannounced visits to the schools by circuit managers and members of the Directorate: Curriculum Development to ensure that all procedures are being adhered to.
10. Please note that these tests do not form part of the progression mark for Grade 8 learners, and that learners are not expected to learn specific content for the tests as skills and concepts at a level appropriate to Grade 8 are tested.
11. Kindly note that teachers will not be required to mark their learners’ answers. The answer sheets will be forwarded to the educational testing centre in Australia who will do the marking and resulting of the learners. The results, together with a detailed individual and school analysis as well as an indication how you have performed in relation to other countries will be supplied. Each learner will receive a certificate and it is essential that you make sure that the spelling, name and test level are absolutely correct and filled in.
12. Principals/teachers are requested to ensure that the tests are written on the scheduled dates and that the bar-coded answer return advice has been signed.
13. The same procedure must be applied on 27 July 2004.

DATE: 2004:05:10

The documents, which are referred to as annexures to the minute, are not attached but are available as hard copies.