1. The senior certificates of successful candidates as well as subject certificates of unsuccessful candidates who were entered at your school/centre for the November 2003 examination are hereby enclosed for distribution to the candidates concerned.
2. All candidates have already been notified by means of the INFORMATION BROCHURE FOR SENIOR CERTIFICATE CANDIDATES 2003 [paragraph 14] that their senior certificates will be issued by the end of May 2004 and will be available for collection at their school of attendance.
3. Please note that the certificates of candidates who entered for the March 2004 Supplementary examination as well as candidates who wrote additional subjects, are not enclosed. These certificates will be forwarded to principals at a later stage.
4. A scanned list of certificates received from UMALUSI, is included for your convenience.

A list of all candidates who registered at your school/center for the November 2003 examination is also included, allowing principals to ascertain exactly which certificates are outstanding should there be any. Principals are kindly requested to report in writing any problems and outstanding certificates in this consignment to this Department within 14 days of receipt thereof. The Department will not accept any responsibility for outstanding certificates as well as certificates with errors once the 14 day period has lapsed.

5. Principals are also requested to keep a complete record of the acknowledgement of receipt of certificates by the candidates. Also note that any person who signs for receipt of a senior certificate should produce a valid identity document.
6. All enquiries concerning senior certificates for the above-mentioned examination can be directed telephonically to:
Mrs M. Pekeur    021 467 2928
Mrs E. Du Toit   021 467 2924
Mr G. Valentine  021 467 2927
Mr L. Weber      021 467 2926		
Mr D. Jacobs     021 467 2924
7. Your co-operation in this regard will be highly appreciated.

DATE: 2004:03:18

The documents, which are referred to as annexures to the minute, are not attached but are available as hard copies.