1. A booklet containing errata for Section A of certain Common Tasks for Assessment (CTAs) accompanies this minute.
2. Please note that there are no errata for the following CTAs: English Primary Language, English Additional Language, Economic and Management Sciences (English and Afrikaans versions), Natural Sciences (English only), Human and Social Sciences (English only), Technology (English only).
3. The CTA teacher's manual for Section A of each learning area provides information on the resources required for each activity. This will enable teachers to make the necessary preparations for the implementation of Section A of the CTAs on the dates provided in Circular 35/2004.
4. Principals are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Section B of the CTAs which may not be provided to any learner or parent before it is written under examination conditions and according to the timetable in Circular 35/2004.
5. Schools are also reminded that the assessment must be conducted in accordance with the applicable instructions in Circular 35/2004.
6. Feedback on the CTA process will be welcomed and may be directed to the Director: Curriculum Development.

DATE: 2004:09:08

Errata Booklet  (size: 98 KB)