1. This curriculum minute pertains to Circular 58/2000 - extension of curriculum in schools.
2. In 2006 Grade 10 learners will commence with the new FET subjects. The content of these subjects will differ from that of the current Senior Certificate subjects.The requirements for the FETC will also differ - refer to the National Curriculum Statement for Grades 10 to 12 (Government Gazette 25545/6 October 2003  [size: 211 KB] ).
3. Plans must be finalised on the macro, meso and micro levels (provincial, EMDC, school) in conjunction with all stakeholders to ensure that all subjects are reasonably accessible to all learners in all areas of the Western Cape Province.
4. To ensure stability during the planning phase and a smooth transition from the Senior Certificate to the FETC, with the possible exception of computer-based subjects, no applications to introduce new subjects into high schools in 2005 in terms of Circular 58/2000, will be considered.

DATE: 2004:05:14