1. The National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations are administered and conducted in terms of the Regulations pertaining to the Conduct, Administration and Management of the National Senior Certificate, published in Government Gazette No. 37651 of 16 May 2014.
2. Any deviation from or contravention of the regulations by candidates, teachers or invigilators may lead to the examination results being declared null and void.
3. The Department of Basic Education (DBE) requested, in Circular E19 of 2017 and Circular E21 of 2017 respectively, that candidates registered to write the NSC examinations should sign a commitment agreement and a pledge to comply with the examination code of conduct.
4. All learners and their parents or guardians are required to sign the Commitment Agreement (Annexure A) prior to the commencement of the examinations.
5. This agreement should be returned to the school and filed for future reference. These records may be discarded after six months.
6. The Commitment Agreement provides a detailed list of the key rules and regulations relating to the NSC examinations, which must be adhered to by all candidates writing the examinations.
7. The National Pledge-signing Ceremony has been scheduled for Friday, 13 October 2017 at 10:00 and all schools participating in the NSC examinations are requested to convene an assembly whereby the pledge is taken and the rules and regulations of the NSC examinations are read out to the candidates.
8. Attached is a copy of the NSC Examination Pledge (Annexure B) that may be signed by Grade 12 candidates.
9. Schools must inform candidates that the pledge-signing is voluntary.
10. Where possible, photocopies should be made of the signed pledges to be retained at the school as part of the school records of each candidate.
11. The original pledge should remain in the possession of each candidate for the duration of the 2017 NSC examinations.
12. It is recommended that the signing of the pledge be extended to Grade 10 and Grade 11 learners to ensure a uniform standard in the conduct of examinations in the Further Education and Training Phase.
13. The attached NSC Examination Pledge can be adapted for Grades 10 and 11.
14. Principals are kindly requested to ensure the appropriate conduct of the Pledge-signing Ceremony at their schools.
15. The cooperation of the 2017 NSC examinations candidates in this matter will be much appreciated.

DATE: 2017:09:30

Annexure A: Commitment agreement  (size: 46 KB)
Annexure B: NSC examination pledge  (size: 37 KB)