1. Introduction
1.1 Governing bodies play a crucial role in assisting principals and school management teams in providing proper leadership and governance in our schools.
1.2 The national governing body elections are scheduled from 01 March 2018 until the end of the first school term of 2018. The compulsory induction training of the newly elected governing bodies will take place between 10 April and 28 September 2018.
1.3 The overall objective of the election process is to ensure that duly elected, competent and visionary governors are elected to support quality learning and teaching at schools.
1.4 The implementation of the 2018 election process requires the involvement of officials at all levels of the education system as well as relevant key stakeholders such as governing body associations.

2. The revised provincial regulations
2.1 The Western Cape Education Department is in the process of finalising the revised Procedures for the Establishment and Election of Governing Bodies at Public Schools Draft Regulations, 2017, and will send it to schools in due course.
2.2 The revised provincial regulations will apply from 01 March 2018 onwards.

3. Deviations from the single nomination and election day process
3.1 Schools that wish to deviate from the nomination and election day process, as stipulated in the provincial regulations must apply to their district director for approval.
3.2 Any deviation may not prejudice the involvement of parents in any way and must be explained clearly and justified to the school community so that all understand the process to be followed.
3.3 The reasons for the deviation must be clearly detailed in the application to the district director.

4. Election of members of the Representative Council of Learners (RCL) to the governing body
4.1 The RCL shall elect from its ranks two learners who shall be members of the governing body. The term of office of a member of the governing body who is a learner may not exceed one year.
4.2 It will not be necessary to re-elect the two RCL members serving on the governing body, as these are already in place. Their term on the governing body does not exceed one year and they are eligible to continue serving on the new governing body until the end of 2018.

5. Support to schools
5.1 It is the role of district electoral teams to oversee the election process in the education districts and circuits.
5.2 Should a school need support or have queries, the principal must contact the appropriate district electoral team coordinator indicated below.

Education district District electoral team coordinator Telephone number
Cape Winelands Mr J Goliath 023 348 4604
Eden and Central Karoo Mr A Ellman 044 803 8309
Metro Central Mrs B Robertson 021 514 6700
Metro East Mr E Magodla 021 900 7000
Metro North Mr L Rutgers 021 938 3000
Metro South Mrs L Primo 021 370 2000
Overberg Mr J Bailey 028 212 1730
West Coast Mrs A Truter 021 860 1200

6. Co-option of parent members for the period 01 January – 30 March 2018
6.1 Casual vacancies may occur in governing bodies during the above period due to the term of office of some parent members ending. In these cases, schools need to co-opt suitable, qualifying and competent members to serve on the governing body during the first school term of 2018.
6.2 The district electoral team will provide schools and governing bodies with information on the handing-over process from the current to the newly elected governing body, as well as information for the newly elected governing bodies.

7. Training of school electoral officers

Principals and deputy principals will be trained as electoral officers from 29 January 2018 until 09 February 2018.

8. Advocacy
8.1 Various advocacy strategies are planned at national, provincial and district levels in order to encourage parents, community members, teachers and non-teaching staff to participate in the governing body election process at the school.
8.2 At community level, governing body associations as members of the Provincial Electoral Team are undertaking the mobilisation of support, using various community structures.
8.3 School electoral teams are also encouraged to develop their own strategies to mobilise support for the coming elections at their schools.

DATE: 2017:06:28