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The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) is pleased to announce the introduction of service learning as a feature of its programme as from 12 May 2017. |
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Historically, the WCED has officially recognised the work of educators and the performance of schools generally. However, it is realised that the outstanding innovative work done by many of our learners does not always receive the same or equivalent recognition to that given to the work of educators. |
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In this regard the Provincial Minister for Education supports the idea that the WCED rolls out the Annual Service Learning Awards, which will be known as the WCED Service Learning Awards. |
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It is the intention of the WCED to strengthen and improve the project as it develops. |
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Service learning is a teaching-and-learning model that is already established in many parts of the world. It seeks to integrate meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility and strengthen communities. |
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Although many schools in the Western Cape are involved in community-related work, no programmatic and province-wide recognition of learners’ learning linked to community service has been given thus far. |
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Generally, communities need more and more people – especially young people – to be involved in a social contract that seeks to rebuild the moral fabric of our communities – especially in historically marginalised social contexts. |
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The participation rules are contained in the accompanying Information Guide. The principal and the Teacher Liaison Officer (TLO) responsible for the school’s Representative Council of Learners (RCL) are expected to assist the RCL members to manage this venture themselves so that they are trained in handling such assignments. |
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While initially the WCED will be looking for existing projects and initiatives, the intention is also to aggressively build capacity and encourage participation in schools that do not have such activities. This will be done through the Safe Schools after-school intervention. |
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In this regard, governing bodies are encouraged to ensure that their schools have clearly identifiable after-school programmes that will be improved every year. |
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This programme can change the way learners look at the community. Principals are encouraged to inspire learners to want to be better citizens as this initiative has the potential to improve social cohesion and foster better human relations. |
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Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all RCLs and governing bodies of schools. |
DATE: 2017:03:24