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The growth in digital technology and the rise of social media platforms over the past few years have revolutionised the way in which people communicate and share information. |
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When used in a school environment countless benefits accrue to learners, however, the blurring of social and professional lines should be avoided, as it can result in embarrassing or otherwise inappropriate revelations. |
3. |
Guidelines have therefore been developed in order to create awareness of the potential benefits and risks associated with social media and social networking and to provide guidance on the use of social media between learners, learners and educators, and between a parent of a learner and an educator at a public school. |
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The attached guidelines cover the following aspects:
- Use of social media and social networking
- Social media and education
- Roles and responsibilities
- Disadvantages of social media
- Template for drafting a school policy on social media and social networking
- Safety risks relating to the use of social media and social networking by learners
5. |
Kindly note that advertisements of a political or sexual nature, or the promoting of the use of liquor, tobacco or any related products on any of the school’s social media platforms are not allowed. |
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Principals are kindly requested to bring the attached guidelines to the attention of members of staff and governing bodies. |
DATE: 2017:03:17