1. The WCED filing procedure was announced in Circular 0012/2010 dated 24 June 2010 whilst the current approved WCED filing system was implemented on 01 October 1997.
2. Due to multiple changes to the structure of the WCED and to ensure that records are not lost and that all WCED officials who deal with the post, correspondence and other documents comply to the official Archives and WCED filing procedures, it has become necessary to provide the WCED officials with an updated version of the official WCED filing procedure.
3. The revised filing procedure of the WCED, in compliance with the requirements of the National Archives and Record Service of South Africa Act, 1996 (Act 43 of 1996);, is explained in the attached annexure (Annexure A) and applies with immediate effect.
4. Please regard Circular 0012/2010, dated 24 June 2010, as amended accordingly.
5. This circular must be read in conjunction with Circular 0004/2011 dated 22 February 2011, Knowledge and Information Management Minute 0003/2015 dated 22 July 2015, and Circular 0037/2015 dated 13 July 2015.
6. It is in the interest of the WCED and its clients that the Archives prescripts contained in this circular are diligently adhered to.
7. Further enquiries regarding this circular may be directed to Ms M Molaba at tel. no. 021 467 2742.
8. Kindly bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all staff.

DATE: 2015:11:19

National Archives and Record Service of South Africa Act, 1996 (Act 43 of 1996)  (size: 51 KB)
Annexure A  (size: 34 KB)