1. In order to ensure consistency in the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) in respect of the interpretation of prescripts relating to the worktime of our teachers, it was found prudent to confirm the content of a previously issued policy which was distributed with Circular 0212/2003 dated 28 October 2003. The attached policy therefore aims to:
1.1 Address the many interpretations and applications of the Personnel Administration Measures (PAM) regarding the worktime of teachers.
1.2 Establish uniformity in all WCED institutions in respect of the legal requirements associated with the worktime, duties and workload of teachers at our schools.
1.3 Protect the right of learners to receive education during the time allocated for this purpose. This right is supported by Section 28 of the Constitution of South Africa that states that "A child's best interests are of paramount importance in every matter concerning the child".

2. This policy document was widely consulted with all stakeholders in the WCED as well as with employee unions.

3. This policy should be read in conjunction with Circulars 21/99, 52/99, 112/99, 14/2000, 114/2000, 40/2002, 97/2002, 162/2002 and 54-66/2003. These circulars are still applicable but where there are differences in respect of management between the contents of the circular and this policy, this policy holds.

4. This policy should be brought to the attention of all our teachers and members of school governing bodies.

5. All teachers, including Heads of Department, Deputy Principals and Principals, are required to acquaint themselves with this policy and to sign and date same on the attached form "Acknowledgement of receipt of information". The signed form must then be officially filed at school.

DATE: 2015:08:31

WCED Policy for the management of worktime  (size: 119 KB)
Acknowledgement of receipt of information  (size: 47 KB)