1. This circular has been revised and renewed and repeals Circulars 0026/2011 and 0029/2008 in their entirety.
2. In terms of Transport Circular No. 4 of 2000, Chapter 11: - "Safe driving, traffic regulations, and any other regulations applicable to users of the road, must be strictly observed at all times". Paragraph 11.2 states "that the applicable speed limit must not be exceeded at any time". Paragraph 11.3 also states "that users of a Government vehicle must obey the rules of the road at all times". Repeated violations of the traffic rules can lead to a driver being suspended from using a GG vehicle. Chapter 2, No. 1.1 (ii) states "that a driver must have no outstanding transport-related disciplinary action against them at the time of taking the car".
3. Drivers convicted of driving at a speed of 30km per hour over the general speed limit in urban areas, or in excess of 40km per hour over the general speed limit outside an urban area or on a freeway, will face the possibility of having their licence automatically suspended for a period of time.
4. This penalty came into effect on 20 November 2010 when Section 35(1) (Aa) of the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act 93 of 1996) was put into operation.
5. All officials within the Western Cape Provincial Government must take note of the effect of these provisions and are informed that anyone with a suspended licence will not be allowed to drive GG vehicles.
6. The content of this circular must be brought to the attention of all concerned.

DATE: 2015:04:10