1. Introduction
1.1 This circular replaces Circular 0013/2012 (Programme and promotion requirements for Grades R - 12 in 2012).
1.2 The purpose of this circular is to outline the programme, progression and promotion requirements for Grades R to 12 in 2013.
1.3 The following policy documents are applicable to the respective grades for 2013:

Grades Policy documents
R, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 and 11
  • The National Policy pertaining to the Programme and Promotion Requirements of the National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12 (NPPPR)
  • National Protocol for Assessment Grades R – 12 (NPA)
  • The Regulations pertaining to the National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12 (Government Gazette 36041)
7, 8, 9,


  • National Policy on Assessment and Qualifications for Schools in the General Education and Training Band (Government Gazette 29626)
  • National Senior Certificate (NSC) Policy

2. Programme requirements for the General Education and Training (GET) Phases and the Further Education and Training (FET) band
2.1 Programme requirements for the Foundation Phase (Grades R to 3)

A learner in Grade R must offer three (3) subjects and a learner in Grades 1 to 3 must offer the four (4) subjects which are listed below, and meet all the assessment requirements:

Programme requirements: Subjects Time allocation per week
Grade R Grades 1 and 2 Grade 3
Official Language: (Home Language) 10 hours 7/8 hours 7/8 hours
Official Language: (First Additional Language)   3/2 hours 4/3 hours
Mathematics 7 hours 7 hours 7 hours
Life Skills 6 hours 6 hours 7 hours
Total 23 hours 23 hours 25 hours
2.2 Programme requirements for the Intermediate Phase (Grades 4 to 6) from 2013

A learner in Grades 4 to 6 must offer the six (6) subjects as indicated below, and meet all the assessment requirements

Programme requirements: Subjects Time allocation per week
Official Language (Home Language) 6 hours
Official Language (First Additional Language) 5 hours
One of the two languages offered must be the language of learning and teaching.
Second Additional Language (optional) School to arrange additional time to the 27 ½ hours
Mathematics 6 hours
Natural Sciences and Technology 3 ½ hours
Life Skills 4 hours
Social Sciences 3 hours
Total 27 ½ hours
2.3 Programme requirements for Grades 7 to 9 in 2013

For Grades 7 to 9 in 2013, a learner must offer nine (9) subjects, as indicated below, and meet all the assessment requirements:

Official Language (Home Language)
Official Language (First Additional Language)
Language 3 (optional)
Natural Sciences
Social Sciences
Economic and Management Sciences
Life Orientation
Arts and Culture
2.4 Programme requirements for Grades 10 to 12

The approved subjects that comply with the programme requirements for Grades 10 to 12 are listed in Annexure B of the National Policy Pertaining to the Programme and Promotion Requirements of the National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12. Learners must offer seven (7) subjects, as indicated in the table below:

Subject number Subjects Learner options
Group A: Four (4) subjects
1 Official Language (Home Language) Compulsory
2 Official Language (First Additional Language) Compulsory
One of the two languages offered must be the language of learning and teaching.
3 Mathematics One of the two subjects is compulsory.
Mathematical Literacy
4 Life Orientation Compulsory
Group B: Three (3) subjects
The three subjects must be selected from Annexure B as indicated in the National Policy Pertaining to the Programme and Promotion Requirements of the National Curriculum Statement Grades R -12.

3. Recording and reporting
3.1 Scale of achievement for the National Curriculum Statement

The following scale of achievement will be used for recording and reporting for Grades R to 12 from 2013 onwards:

Achievement level (Rating code) Achievement description Percentage %
7 Outstanding achievement 80 – 100
6 Meritorious achievement 70 – 79
5 Substantial achievement 60 – 69
4 Adequate achievement 50 – 59
3 Moderate achievement 40 – 49
2 Elementary achievement 30 – 39
1 Not achieved 0 – 29
3.2 School Based Assessment

School-Based Assessment (SBA) is a compulsory component and should be implemented as follows in the different GET phases and FET band for 2013:

Phase SBA component % End of year examination %
Foundation Phase 100 0
Intermediate Phase 75 25
Senior Phase (Grades 7 and 8) 100 0
Senior Phase (Grade 9) 75 25
Further Education and Training Band 25 75
3.3 Recording and reporting of learner performance for the different grades in 2013

Grade Recording and Reporting
Grades R to 3 Rating code and Achievement description
Grades 4 to 6 Rating code and Percentages / description (or both)
Grades 7 to 9 Rating code and Percentages / description (or both)
Grades 10 to 12 Rating code and Percentages

Comments should be used to qualify learner performance.

4. Progression and promotion for Grades R to 12
4.1 Progression requirements for Grade R

Subjects Progression Requirements
Home Language

Level 4 (Adequate Achievement) (50%-59%)
Level 3 (Moderate Achievement) (40%-49%)
SBA = 100 % of total mark/final progression mark

As far as possible, all learners should progress from Grade R to Grade 1 provided that they are in the correct age cohort.

In schools where Grade R is offered and where the LoLT is not the learner’s mother tongue, such a learner should be allowed to progress from Grade R to Grade 1 with a moderate achievement (rating code 3) in Home Language.

4.2 Progression requirements for Grades 1 to 3
4.2.1 The following are guidelines for determining a learner’s progress from Grade 1 to 2, from Grade 2 to Grade 3 and from Grade 3 to Grade 4:

Subjects Progression Requirements
Home Language

First Additional Language


Level 4 (Adequate Achievement) (50%-59%)
Level 3 (Moderate Achievement) (40%-49%)
Level 3 (Moderate Achievement) (40%-49%)
SBA = 100 % of total mark/final progression mark

Progression is based on the three subjects indicated above.

4.2.2 Should a learner in Grades 1 to 3 not meet the minimum guidelines in all three of the required subjects for a second time in the Foundation Phase, such a learner may be retained only once in the Foundation Phase, excluding Grade R, in order to avoid the learner being retained in this phase for longer than four years.
4.2.3 Learners repeating a grade must be offered adequate additional support.
4.2.4 Deaf learners who are in special schools or who have been assessed and their deafness verified by a registered health professional, may obtain an Elementary Achievement (Rating Code 2) in one of the two required official languages as stipulated above. Such deaf learners may offer South African Sign Language as a language of learning and teaching in lieu of the second required official language. This will be an interim arrangement until relevant official South African Sign Language Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements have been completed and approved. Paragraph 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 are also applicable to deaf learners.
4.3 Progression requirements for Grades 4 to 6 from 2013

Subjects Progression Requirements
Home Language
First Additional Language

Natural Science and Technology
Social Sciences
Life Skills

Level 4 (Adequate Achievement) (50%-59%)
Level 3 (Moderate Achievement) (40%-49%)
Level 3 (Moderate Achievement) (40%-49%)

Level 3 (Moderate Achievement) (40%-49%) in TWO of the remaining three subjects

Examination = 25% of total mark/final progression mark
School based assessment = 75% of total mark/final progression mark

Progression is based on five of the six subjects indicated above.

4.3.1 Deaf learners who are in special schools or who have been assessed and their deafness verified by a registered health professional may obtain an Elementary Achievement (Level 2) (30 – 39%) in one of the two required official languages.
4.3.2 If a learner in Grades 4 – 6 does not meet the minimum requirements in all five of the required subjects for progression, such a learner may be retained only once in the Intermediate Phase in order to avoid the learner being retained in this phase for longer than four years.
4.3.3 Learners repeating a grade must be offered adequate additional support in order to achieve an appropriate level of competence in order to progress to the next grade.
4.3.4 Progression requirements for immigrant learners in Grades 4 to 6 from 2013 onwards

Subjects Progression Requirements
Home Language (HL)
First Additional Language (FAL)


Natural Science and Technology
Social Sciences
Life Skills

An immigrant learner may pass one of the required two official languages on at least FAL level and obtain a level 3 (Moderate Achievement) in that language, provided that he/she has complied with the following remaining requirements:

Level 3 (Moderate Achievement) (40%-49%)

Level 3 (Moderate Achievement) (40%-49%) in all three (3) of the remaining three (3) subjects

Examination = 25% of total mark/final progression mark
School based assessment = 75% of total mark/final progression mark

Progression is based on five of the six subjects indicated above.

4.4 Progression for Grades 7 and 8 in 2013

In 2013, the following progression criteria, (as stipulated in Government Gazette No. 29626), will apply for Grades 7 and 8:

4.4.1 Where a learner needs more time to demonstrate achievement, decisions shall be made based on the advice of the relevant role-players: teachers, learners, parents and education support services.
4.4.2 Any decision about progression should be based on the evidence of a learner’s performance against the recorded assessment tasks.
4.4.3 No learner should stay in the same phase for longer than four years.
4.4.4 A learner may be retained once in the Senior Phase in order to avoid the learner being retained in this phase for longer than four years.
4.5 Promotion requirements for Grade 9 in 2013
4.5.1 A learner will be promoted to Grade 10 if he or she has satisfied the following requirements:

Subjects Promotion requirement
Official Language 1
Home Language
Level 3 (Moderate Achievement) (40%-49%) in one of the official languages
Level 2 (Elementary achievement) (30%-39%) in the other official language
Official Language 2
First Additional language
Mathematics Level 3 (Moderate Achievement) (40%-49%)
Natural Sciences Level 3 (Moderate Achievement) (40%-49%) in four (4) of the remaining six (6) subjects
Social Sciences
Economic and Management Sciences
Life Orientation
Arts and Culture

Promotion is based on seven of the nine subjects indicated above.

4.5.2 Condonation at Grade 9 level

A learner‘s results will be condoned only once in one of the following cases:

Mathematics Level 2
(Elementary achievement) (30%-39%)
Languages Level 2
(Elementary achievement) (30%-39%)
One of the four other Subjects Level 2
(Elementary achievement) (30%-39%)
4.5.3 Concessions and exemptions for Grade 9

An immigrant learner who has been in the country for less than three years by the beginning of the Grade 9 year has to offer two official languages, and should obtain a moderate achievement in one of these languages.

A deaf learner should offer two official languages and is required to obtain a moderate achievement in only one of these languages.

Learners with any other special needs, including serious forms of language development such as dyslexia and mathematical disorders such as dyscalculia, should also be considered for exemption.

New progression and promotion requirements for grades 7-9 will be implemented in 2014.

4.6 Promotion requirements for Grades 10 to 12

Learners in Grades 10 to 12 will be promoted if they have:

4.6.1 offered and completed the school-based assessment, oral assessment tasks, practical assessment tasks (where applicable) and the end-of-year examination requirements in no fewer than seven subjects; and
4.6.2 achieved 40% in three subjects, one of which is an official language at Home Language level, and 30% in three subjects, provided that the school-based assessment component is submitted in the seventh subject. The promotion requirements are indicated in the table below:

Promotion requirements Percentage required
Subject 1: Home Language 40%
Subject 2 40%
Subject 3 40%
Subject 4 30%
Subject 5 30%
Subject 6 30%
Subject 7 0 – 29%

A learner who has offered more than one official language at Home Language level as part of the required seven (7) subject package, may pass the additional language at 30% provided he or she has met the promotion requirements as indicated above.

4.6.3 A learner may only be retained once in the Further Education and Training Phase in order to avoid this learner from being retained for longer than four years.
4.6.4 Learners repeating either Grade 10 or Grade 11 must receive the relevant support.
4.6.5 Progression in Grades 10 – 12 does not guarantee the final certification of a learner in Grade 12. Such a learner must comply with the certification requirements, as contemplated in paragraph 37 (1) of the NPPPR of the NCS Grades R – 12, to enable him or her to obtain a National Senior Certificate.
4.7 Promotion requirements for immigrant learners in Grades 10 to 12
4.7.1 An immigrant learner may offer only one official language on at least First Additional Language level, provided that it is the language of learning and teaching, and must obtain a rating of 30% in that language, provided that another subject from Annexure B in the National Policy pertaining to the programme and Promotion Requirements of the National Curriculum Statements Grades R-12, is offered.
4.7.2 An immigrant learner may offer his or her Home Language in lieu of that one official language, subject to the prescript that such a language is listed on the Home Language level in Table 4 of Annexure B.

5. Kindly bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all concerned.

DATE: 2013:06:10

Government Gazette 36041  (size: 875 KB)
Government Gazette 29626  (size: 894 KB)