1. |
In order to support the implementation of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) in Grade 11 in 2013, the Department of Basic Education (DBE) has developed a catalogue of textbooks for this grade. |
2. |
An electronic version of the national catalogue of approved Grade 11 textbooks, developed by DBE is attached. (Annexure A)
3. |
Circular 0014/2012 (dated 02-05-2012) notified schools of the Western Cape Education Department (WCED)’s intention to supply all Grade 11 learners at public schools with six textbooks per learner, i.e. a textbook for each subject taken with the exception of Life Orientation, which will be supplied from school funds. |
4. |
Schools must order their chosen textbooks on the online textbook ordering site created on CEMIS or ISAMS by following the steps outlined below:
Step 1: |
Log on to CEMIS or ISAMS with your school’s login and password. |
Step 2: |
Select the "Administration" option on the menu bar. |
Step 3: |
On the drop down list select "CAPS Gr11 Textbooks", and a sub menu will appear. |
Step 4: |
On the sub menu select "CAPS Grade11 Orders". |
Step 5: |
To start capturing your order, select a subject from the "Select Subject" box. This lists only the subjects offered by your school. |
Step 6: |
When you click on a subject, a list of the textbook titles approved for that subject will appear. |
Step 7: |
To order a specific title, click on the title and enter the quantity of textbooks required. Please ensure that your chosen textbooks are in the correct language. A teacher guide will automatically be ordered for this title. |
Step 8: |
Click the "Save Book Quantities" button after each textbook title is captured. |
Step 9: |
Once you have captured textbooks for each subject offered at your school, view and print your order by selecting "CAPS Gr11 Orders Captured" on the "Administration" sub menu. |
Step 10: |
When you have verified that your order is correct and within your order limit, sign off your order by clicking "CAPS Gr11 Signoff" on the "Administration" sub menu. (Annexure B: User Manual) |
5. |
The Grade 11 online ordering facility on CEMIS or ISAMS will only be active for the period 16 to 31 July 2012. Schools must ensure that their orders are captured and signed off on CEMIS or ISAMS before 31 July 2012 so as not to forfeit this opportunity. |
6. |
The following subjects: Agricultural Management Practices, Agricultural Technology, Dance Studies, Information Technology, Music, Dramatic Arts (Afrikaans), Engineering Graphics Design (Afrikaans) and Accounting (English) have no textbooks on the approved National Catalogue. Schools will be given an opportunity to order for these subjects when the DBE makes the Addendum National Catalogue available on 30 September 2012. |
7. |
To assist schools in making an informed textbook selection, the WCED in collaboration with publishers will host roving book exhibitions in identified venues across all districts between 16 and 23 July 2012. Annexure C provides an outline of the date, venue and contact person for each exhibition. |
8. |
The WCED will attempt to provide schools with the textbooks of their choice. However, this may not always be possible within our current budget. |
9. |
Kindly bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all relevant personnel. |
DATE: 2012:06:18