1. Provision is made in the basket of posts for the appointment of substitute educators. The appointment of substitute educators can, however, only be done once prior approval has been obtained from the Department.

2. In order to obtain approval for the appointment of substitute educators, the following procedures are applicable:
2.1 An application for the appointment of a substitute educator, accompanied by a nomination, must be submitted by the school to the Circuit Team Manager.
2.2 The Circuit Team Manager will review the application by assessing the need to have a substitute educator appointed.
2.3 The Circuit Team Manager will consider the temporary relocation of an educator declared in excess, who can offer the subject/s during the absence of the educator.
2.4 If the Circuit Team Manager is of the view that all opportunities have been explored and it is necessary to appoint a substitute educator, the Circuit Team Manager will forward a recommendation together with the nomination of the substitute educator to the Director: Human Resource Management to consider the application.
2.5 Only after approval has been granted and the school informed of the approval, can the school inform the substitute educator that his or her nomination has been approved and the appointment of the nominated substitute educator processed.

3. Your co-operation in this regard is appreciated.

DATE: 2011:02:24