1.1 |
This circular serves to explain the procedure that must be followed when dealing with appeals relating to the progression and promotion results of learners. |
1.2 |
Parents or guardians have the right to appeal when they are dissatisfied with the progression or promotion result of their child, (Refer to paragraph 5 of Circular 0225/2003). |
1.3 |
The stipulated appeal procedure is important for ensuring transparent assessment practices at schools, fairness to all learners and consistency in dealing with appeals across the province. |
1.4 |
Principals must ensure that all parents and guardians are informed about the procedure to be followed when lodging an appeal. |
1.5 |
When the end-of-year schedules are signed off by the district, principals must ensure that evidence of learning is available for all learners who are not ready for progression or who have not been promoted. |
2. |
2.1 |
A parent or guardian may appeal in writing to the school principal by the first Friday after schools reopen in January. |
2.2 |
The school principal should communicate the outcome of the appeal to the parent or guardian within 5 working days of receipt of the appeal. |
2.3 |
If the parent or guardian is not satisfied with the outcome of the appeal, he or she may appeal to the district director within 3 days of receipt of the outcome of the appeal. |
3. |
School principals must:
3.1 |
issue the parent or guardian with the appeal form (Annexure A) on the day of lodging the appeal and ensure that the parent or guardian completes Part 1 of the appeal form; |
3.2 |
gather the required information from teachers' files, evidence of learning, learner profiles and all evidence of interventions. (This information must be filed and be available to the appeals investigating officials); |
3.3 |
provide a register of appeals to the circuit team manager (CTM), informing him or her about the appeal(s), by the second Monday of the first term; |
3.4 |
together with the school management team, reconsider all evidence, make a decision with regard to the appeal and obtain written approval from the CTM if the promotion or progression result has to be changed; |
3.5 |
complete Part 2 of the appeal form (Annexure A). The completed form must be returned to the parent and a copy should be filed. |
3.6 |
the outcome of the appeal must be communicated to the parent or guardian within 5 working days of receipt of the appeals; and |
3.7 |
keep all the supporting documents used in the appeal process for a minimum period of 3 months. |
4. |
4.1 |
The office of the education district director must send a letter acknowledging receipt of the appeal to the parent or guardian within 3 working days of receiving the appeal. |
4.2 |
The director must refer the appeal to the assessment co-ordinator and request him/her to form an investigation team to investigate the appeal. If the appeal involves a subject or subjects, or a learner with special needs, the relevant official(s) should be co-opted to assist with the investigation. |
4.3 |
The assessment co-ordinator must assign a case number to each appeal lodged and record it on the appeals database (Annexure B). |
4.4 |
Based on the investigation and all the supporting evidence, the assessment coordinator must write a report, make recommendations (Annexure C) and complete Part 3 of each appeal form. |
4.5 |
The assessment co-ordinator must submit the report to the director, who will complete Part 4 of the appeal form. |
4.6 |
The office of the district director must write a letter to the school and to the parent or guardian, informing them of the outcome of the appeal. The decision of the district director is final. |
4.7 |
All appeals must be finalised by 15 February of each year. |
4.8 |
All appeal cases that were a result of an examination or assessment irregularity must be tabled before a full sitting of the district assessment irregularities committee (DAIC), which may impose a suitable sanction. If the appeal is the result of misconduct, the matter must be referred to Labour Relations. |
4.9 |
Attached to this circular is a flow chart (Annexure D) illustrating the procedure for the managing of appeals at school and district level. |
5. |
Principals are kindly requested to bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all teachers and parents. |
DATE: 2011:11:28