The Departmental subsidy for Grade R classes is strictly for the running of these classes. As from 1 January 2010, eighty percent (80%) of the subsidy must be used as a contribution to practitioners' salaries, while the remaining twenty percent (20%) must be used for the acquisition of learning and teaching support material (LTSM). As the WCED does not provide the full budget for the running of Grade R classes and the salaries of Grade R practitioners, it is the responsibility of the school governing body to make up the deficit through fund-raising and the levying of school fees.
Because of the limited funds available, it is also recommended that ordinary public and independent schools purchase only LTSM of a good quality from which learners can gain maximum benefit.
It must be emphasised that any misappropriation of Grade R funds will result in the suspension of the subsidy to the ordinary public or independent school concerned. For this reason, it is imperative that proper care is taken with the drawing up of the concise financial statement that is submitted with each subsidy application.
It is important to note that, if schools wish to maintain their registration of their Grade R classes, then they must maintain an enrolment of at least 20 learners per Grade R class, except those in isolated rural areas. Furthermore, subsidies will be offered to ordinary public schools in certain, urban areas with a minimum enrolment of between 15 and 19 learners.