1. The Western Cape Education Department brought the above-mentioned policy to your attention in Circulars 0045/2006 of 1 September 2006 and 0004/2009 of 17 December 2008.

2. As stated in the above-mentioned circulars, an employee (educator or public servant) is entitled to 36 days' sick leave in a three-year cycle (the current cycle covers the period 2010 to 2012). All sick leave in excess of normal sick leave is regarded as temporary incapacity leave and such leave must be applied for on the prescribed forms. Employees are still applying for temporary incapacity leave on the Z1 form, which is applicable only to normal sick leave. The Z1 leave form is not to be used for temporary incapacity leave.

3. As mentioned in paragraphs 3 and 5 of Circular 45/2006, employees must submit an application for temporary incapacity leave in the prescribed way within 5 days of the first day of absence.

4. Should an employee fail to submit an application for temporary incapacity leave within the 5 days, then the following procedure applies:
4.1 The employee's manager or supervisor must notify the department within 2 working days that an application for temporary incapacity leave has not been received. This period of sick leave will then be covered by annual leave (with the employee's consent) and/or unpaid leave, if insufficient annual or accumulated leave credits are available.
4.2 Failure by the employee to submit an application form within the stated period, or failure by the manager or supervisor to manage it properly, will be viewed in a serious light and disciplinary steps will be considered.

5. It is compulsory for the applicant to complete and submit the statutory application forms for incapacity leave and/or ill-health retirement (i.e. Annexures A, B or E), together with certain additional information (i.e. medical and ancillary). When such compulsory documentation and/or required information are/is not provided that application for incapacity leave and/or ill- health retirement constitutes a non-valid and non-legal application and the Health Risk Manager may not assess that application. In such cases, the Department is compelled to institute leave without pay for the period of absence concerned.

6. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all personnel under your control and ensure that the chairperson of the governing body receives a copy.

7. Your co-operation in this regard and continued efforts to manage sick leave effectively, will be appreciated.

DATE: 2010:12:01

Form Z1(a): Application for Leave of Absence  (size: 20 KB)
Annexure A  (size: 70 KB)
Annexure B  (size: 129 KB)
Annexure E  (size: 112 KB)