Enquiries: Circuit Team Managers
Telephone: As per Education District
Fax: As per Education District
Reference: 7/1/B

Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement
Western Cape Education Department
ISebe IeMfundo IeNtshona Koloni

CIRCULAR        :    







Provision of educator staff establishments for 2011 for ordinary public schools (accompanied by the 2011 staff establishment for each educational institution)



1. Staff Establishment for 2011

Please refer to WCED Circular 0031/2009 dated 28 August 2009 for a full description of the relevant legislative framework, processes and measures applicable to the issuing of educator staff establishments to schools on an annual basis. The above remains in place and is therefore also applicable in respect of 2011, except for the following amendments.

1.1 The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) aims to ensure maximum stability of the posts a school received for 2010 and for 2011. This means that approximately 90% of WCED ordinary public schools will receive the same number of posts via Educator Staff Establishment (ESE) 2011 as they received via ESE 2010. In order to provide stability, the WCED has ensured that, where there is not a significant change in the enrolment of a school, such a school will retain the number of posts allocated for 2010 in 2011. The educator staff establishment of a school has therefore been reviewed only in respect of schools with a change involving 36 or more learners.
1.2 The WCED considered the learner totals used in 2009 for ESE 2010 (3 March 2009), the learner totals on 2 March 2010 and the learner totals on 30 June 2010. If there was a significant drop (37 or more in primary schools and 33 or more in secondary schools) in learner numbers at a particular school between 2 March 2010 and 30 June 2010, the learner total of 30 June 2010 was used for that school. If the drop in learner numbers was small the 2 March 2010 total was used, to determine the learner total for ESE 2011 for a particular school.
1.3 If a school had a significant drop in enrolment, i.e. more than 36, between 3 March 2009 and the date used for determining the learner total for 2011, the school's ESE 2011 was determined by decreasing proportionally the number of posts in relation to the learner: educator (L:E) ratio the school received with its ESE 2010.
1.4 If a school had a significant increase in its enrolment, i.e. more than 36, between 3 March 2009 and the date used for determining the learner total 2011, the school's ESE 2011 was determined by increasing proportionally number of posts in relation to the learner:educator (L:E) ratio the school received with its ESE 2010.
1.5 A school that received a computer post and/or a Dinaledi post and/or a focus post and/or a National Quintile 1 post and/or a Foundation Phase post for 2010, also receives these posts for 2011.

2.1 An urgent appeal is made to all school principals and school governing bodies to give preference to educators in excess and Fundza Lushaka Bursary holders when any vacancies on Post Level 1 are to be filled.
2.2 Posts which cannot be filled by excess educators and Fundza Lushaka Bursary holders must be advertised in the departmental vacancy lists at the earliest opportunity.

3.1 Additional posts are posts for which ordinary public schools apply and which are additional to the educator staff establishment for the 2011 calendar year (which is issued to each school in 2010). Note: Enquiries with regard to applications for additional posts as a result of growth or curricular needs must henceforth be submitted to Chief Director: Internal Human Capital Management.
3.2 There are two types of additional posts, viz. growth posts and curriculum posts:
3.2.1 A growth post is a post for which an ordinary public school applies because of a significant increase in learner enrolment, as reflected on CEMIS and the learner attendance register of the school from March 2010 (i.e. the learner enrolment number of the school for 2010 as reflected on the educator staff establishment letter for 2011) to the 10th school day of 2011.
3.2.2 A curriculum post is a post for which an ordinary public school applies as a result of the expansion to the school's curriculum (which must be approved by WCED) or any other contextual educational factor that would prevent an ordinary public school from delivering the curriculum effectively and efficiently.
3.3.1 Applications for growth posts will be considered only on the basis of the learner enrolment of the ordinary public school as on 1 February 2011 (the tenth school day), and provided that there are still posts available in the post basket. The school may apply only after the school principal has signed the school's 2011 tenth-day learner enrolment total. The principal must ensure that the number of learners reflected on CEMIS corresponds to the number of learners reflected in the learner attendance class registers for 2011. The circuit team manager (CTM) certifies the correctness of a school's tenth-day total.
3.3.2 An application for a growth post must be done online. An application for a growth post that is not done online will not be considered by the WCED.
3.3.3 When a school applies for a growth post, the school does not have to supply a written justification. The school principal must, however, confirm that there is adequate and suitable accommodation available for the additional educator(s) and learners. The WCED may, however, request the education district officials or any other agency to perform a head count of learners and/or an audit of learner numbers.
3.3.4 A school that applied for and received an additional curriculum post in 2010 for 2011 will not qualify for a growth post in 2011, unless the school qualifies for more growth posts in 2011 than the number of curriculum posts the school received in 2010 for 2011. In such a case the school will receive the difference.
3.4 To determine the 10th school-day learner enrolment total of the school, the school principal must ensure that the following learners are transferred out or deregistered on the CEMIS and taken off both the school's learner attendance register and the school's admission register:
3.4.1 Learners who have left the school or dropped out of the school at the end of 2010 for whatever reason.
3.4.2 Learners who have received a transfer certificate from the school.
3.4.3 Learners who have not attended school for any of the first ten days of the 2011 learner academic year.
3.5 The application for a growth post by an ordinary public school will be considered only on the following conditions:
3.5.1 The learner totals of the school have been updated on the CEMIS.
3.5.2 All learners have been placed in classes and these learners have been captured on CEMIS.
3.5.3 All the subjects of all the learners (except possibly Grade 10 learners) in the school are captured on the CEMIS.
3.6 Ordinary public schools may apply for growth posts as from 16:00 on Wednesday, 19 January 2011 until 15:00 on Friday, 11 February 2011. No late applications will be considered.

4.1 Applications for curriculum posts must be done online on the CEMIS.
4.1.1 This may take place as from 10:00 on Monday, 4 October 2010 until Friday, 22 October 2010 at 15:00. No application will be considered if it is submitted after 15:00 on Friday, 22 October 2010.
4.1.2 If a school applies for a curriculum post, then the school is also required to submit a list of the names and surnames of the new learners who have enrolled at the school for the 2011 academic year, together with each learner's CEMIS number, date of birth, current grade, current school (if applicable), as well as the name of one of the parents and his or her telephonic contact details. An example is attached as Annexure D.
4.1.3 An application from a school that has not completed the capturing of its educator data on the QDP of the HC-LMS will not be considered. The completed capturing must be verified by the relevant CTM or IMG manager.
4.1.4 All these online curriculum applications will be processed by the WCED by Tuesday, 30 November 2010.
4.1.5 Schools will be notified by 10 December 2010 of the outcome of the first round of their applications for curriculum posts.
4.2 Applications for curriculum posts must be fully justified in writing.
4.3 The application by an ordinary public school for a curriculum post will be considered only on the following conditions:
4.3.1 The school provides evidence that no staff member at the school (including those in excess) would be able to offer the subjects or phase for which the school is seeking an educator.
4.3.2 The learner totals of the school have been updated on the CEMIS and they correspond to the learner totals in both the school's learner attendance register and the school's admission register. This must be verified by the CTM or the IMG Manager.
4.3.3 All learners have been placed in classes and these class lists have been captured on the CEMIS.
4.3.4 All the subjects of all the learners in the school have been captured on the CEMIS.
4.3.5 The school principal has confirmed, and the CTM has verified, that there is adequate and suitable accommodation available for the additional educator(s).
4.3.6 The school has updated its educator data (WCED-paid as well as SGB-paid staff) on the QDP of the HC-LMS.
4.3.7 A staff member of the WCED has indicated that all the CEMIS data for the school has been updated, that there are no duplicate learners and that there is a record on the CEMIS of all the learners who were deregistered or transferred out.
4.3.8 The school principal has completed and captured the following on the CEMIS:

4.3.9 The school principal has completed and submitted the following documents obtainable from your CTM or district director:

  • Annexure B (Schedule of Teacher Utilization);
  • Annexure D (a list of names of all the new learners).

These two documents must be e-mailed to your CTM and your district director, as well as to the Chief Director: Internal Human Capital Management at e-mail address tmatseli@pgwc.gov.za or fax no. 021 467 2363.

4.3.10 The written justification on the CEMIS must indicate the following:

  • How the additional educator(s) will be deployed (including new posts for which applications were submitted)
  • Why the educators currently on the staff cannot offer the subject(s) for which the additional educators are required

Examples of completed Annexures were sent to all schools during 2009 with Human Capital Planning Minute 8 of 2009.

If you wish to apply for an additional post, please log-in on CEMIS, click on Administration and then click on either Growth Application or Curriculum Application, depending on the type of post you are applying for.


Kindly address all enquiries pertaining to this circular to Circuit Team Managers.

DATE: 2010:09:17

Grand Central Towers, Lower Parliament Street, Private Bag X9114, Cape Town 8000
Please quote reference numbers in all correspondence
SAFE SCHOOLS: 0800 45 46 47
CLIENT CALL CENTRE: 0861 92 33 22

The following documents relate to this circular.  Adobe Acrobat ReaderĀ® is required to view / print these documents.
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Annexure A: Schedule of Teacher Allocation  (size: 24 KB)
Annexure B: Schedule of Teacher Utilization  (size: 22 KB)
Annexure C: Schedule of Teaching Time  (size: 24 KB)
Annexure D: New learners  (size: 13 KB)
CEMIS Website instructions  (size: 315 KB)