1. The national Department of Basic Education has announced in Circular S1 of 8 April 2010 that the Grade 9 CTAs have been discontinued with immediate effect and that the provincial education departments have been delegated to determine the form of assessment which will constitute the 25% external component of the Grade 9 promotion mark.
2. All schools in the Western Cape that offer Grade 9 must set their own examination papers for November 2010. These examinations will count 25% of the promotion mark. Teachers of the various learning areas are responsible for setting the examination papers, which must be moderated by the relevant Heads of Department.
3. To assist schools, WCED curriculum planners will provide schools with exemplar examination papers in the first week of the third school term. You may also wish to ask your curriculum adviser for assistance in the setting and moderation of examination papers.
4. The WCED encourages all schools to use the fourth term optimally for teaching, learning and revision.

DATE: 2010-05-10