1. The Western Cape Education Department brought the above-mentioned policy to your notice in Circular 0045/2006 of 1 September 2006.
2. As stated in the above-mentioned circular, an employee (both educator and public servant) is entitled to 36-days' sick leave in a three-year cycle (the current cycle cover the period 2007 to 2009). All sick leave additional to normal sick leave is regarded as incapacity leave and such leave must be applied for on the prescribed forms. For the sake of clarity, the procedure is repeated below:
2.1 When applying for normal sick leave (i.e. the 36 days), the new Z1(a) form (copy attached) must be used.
2.2 When applying for temporary incapacity leave for short periods (1 to 29 days), Annexure A, accompanied by a medical certificate, must be submitted by the employee.
2.3 When applying for temporary incapacity leave for a longer period of 30 days or more, Annexure B must be completed in full by both the employee and his or her medical practitioner.
3. You are kindly requested to obtain these Annexures from the following website: http://intrawp.pgwc.gov.za/  [for users on the Provincial (SITA) network only - for Circular 0045/2006 use the link above in paragraph 1]
Click on Departments on the left-hand side.

Click on Education (Internet).

Click on Quick Links and then go to WCED Circulars and Minutes.

Click on 2006 and scroll down to Circular 0045/2006, where 
you will find the applicable Annexures for incapacity leave and 
retirement on the grounds of ill health.

[for Circular 0045/2006 use the link above in paragraph 1]
4. It therefore follows that all employees (educators and public servants) applying for incapacity leave or retirement on the grounds of ill health, must do so on the prescribed forms.
5. Kindly bring the content of this circular to the attention of all personnel under your control. Heads of institutions are requested to provide a copy of this circular to the chairperson of the governing body.

DATE: 2008:12:17

Form Z1(a): Application for Leave of Absence  (size: 20 KB)