1.1 |
As prescribed by legislation, the Member of the Executive Council for education has consulted both the employee parties to the Provincial Education Labour Relations Council (PELRC) in this province and the recognised school governing body associations in this province on the basket of affordable educator posts available to education institutions under the auspices of the Western Cape Education Department (WCED). He has increased the number of affordable educator posts for 2010 by 322, compared with the number of posts that were available in 2009. Of these 322 posts, 140 posts are earmarked for inclusive education and 112 posts for reducing the learner:educator ratios in the Foundation Phase in the poorest schools of the province. |
1.2 |
The staff establishments of ordinary public schools have been determined in terms of the revised post-provisioning norms approved by the Heads of Education Committee in 2007 and the latest changes to the Grade 12 curriculum. The weightings in Grade 12 have changed as a result of the changes to the Grade 12 curriculum implemented in 2009 for the first time. |
1.3 |
Prior to 2005, staff establishments for the special public schools were issued every 3rd year, but, since 2005, staff establishments to said sector have been issued annually. |
1.4 |
As prescribed by legislation, the WCED has consulted both the employee parties to the PELRC in this province and the recognised school governing body associations in this province on the staff establishments of ordinary public schools and special public schools. |
2. |
2.1 |
POST STRUCTURE The post structure and descriptions contained in Collective Agreement 4/2003 of the Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC) are applicable to educator staff establishments. Your attention is drawn to the fact that the resolutions contained in the Occupation Specific Dispensation for Educators (Collective Agreement 1 of 2008 of the ELRC) do not have any impact on the staff establishments for public schools for 2010. |
2.2 |
SCHOOL GRADINGS Schools are graded according to the School Grading Norms contained in Collective Agreement 3 of 2006 of the ELRC. Please also see paragraph 2.1 above. |
2.3 |
2.3.1 |
In terms of the measures of the Revised Post Distribution Model (RPDM), ordinary public schools and special public schools must be issued with their annual educator staff establishments before the end of September of the preceding year. Thus, for the 2010 academic year, all educator staff establishments issued to ordinary public schools and special public schools, (as well as all additional posts created for and issued to a public school during 2009 and 2010 as a result of either increased learner enrolment or the curriculum needs of an education institution), expire at the end of 2010.
2.3.2 |
The ad hoc posts (over and above the posts reflected in the fixed educator staff establishment of an ordinary public school) granted to schools during 2009 for use in 2010 in order to ensure that certain ordinary public schools had a learner:educator ratio of 33:1 (secondary schools) or 37:1 (primary schools), also expire at the end of 2010. |
2.4 |
AD HOC ALLOCATION: 458 AD HOC POSTS (POST LEVEL 1 POSTS) The WCED is pleased to announce that with the growth in the overall number of affordable posts, it has succeeded in maintaining the ad hoc posts for 2010. They will be granted to schools as described hereunder: |
2.4.1 |
A total of 458 posts, to be allocated to schools on an ad hoc basis over and above the fixed establishments, has been approved for the 2010 academic year. |
2.4.2 |
With due regard for each institution's fixed educator staff establishment for 2010, these 458 additional ad hoc posts were allocated to ordinary public schools in the following way:
- Where the model allocated fewer than 6 educator posts to a small secondary school, we topped up the educator posts to 6, i.e. if the school qualified for 4 teachers according to the model, we gave the school 2 extra posts.
- Where the model allocated fewer than 6 educator posts to the secondary phase of a combined school, we topped up the educator posts to 6 in the secondary phase, i.e. if the school qualified for 4 teachers according to the model in the secondary phase, we gave the school 2 extra posts for the secondary phase.
- Forty posts have been allocated to some one-teacher schools.
- The remainder of the ad hoc posts were allocated to schools with a learner:educator dispensation of more than 33:1 (secondary schools) and/or more than 37:1 (primary schools), from the poorest school to the richest school, until the approved number of ad hoc posts were exhausted.
2.4.3 |
These ad hoc posts (over and above the posts reflected in the fixed educator staff establishment of a school) granted to schools for use in 2010 to ensure that certain ordinary public schools had a learner:educator dispensation of 33:1 (secondary schools) or 37:1 (primary schools) will expire at the end of 2010. By implication, these posts will not be permanent. |
2.4.4 |
The WCED reserves the right to recalculate any ad hoc allocation if the information about a school, as contained in the CEMIS Online Survey of March 2009, is found to be incorrect.
N.B. Forty-two ad hoc dance posts were allocated to serve as itinerant posts to serve more than 42 schools in the province.
Twenty-one computer posts, for the subject, Information Technology (IT), were allocated to 21 schools across the province to serve as computer centres. These computer centres are required to use these posts during school time to teach their own learners, and also to offer IT classes in the afternoons to learners from neighbouring schools who take the subject, but do not have teachers at their schools to teach IT. The names of these computer centres are available on request from the Directorate: Human Capital Planning. Though the post is permanent, the WCED reserves the right to withdraw the post from a school that does not use the posts according to the stipulations laid down by the WCED. Though schools are selected, the selected schools are obliged to apply for this post.
2.5 |
2.5.1 |
Fifty-seven focus school posts have been allocated to certain focus schools on a permanent basis, over and above the fixed educator staff establishment for 2010. |
2.5.2 |
These posts must be used exclusively for the purpose for which they were intended and must further the objectives of the Focus School Initiative. The posts must not be used to ensure that the school's timetable balances. Every effort must be made to ensure that suitably and professionally qualified teachers are recruited for these posts. If it is not possible to recruit a suitably qualified teacher, then a teacher with the necessary experience in the subject field may be considered for appointment, provided that a full written justification is submitted. If a school does not use the post for its intended purpose or in the prescribed manner, the post will be taken away from such a school and given to another school. |
2.5.3 |
With the aim of improving education and pass rates, selected MST focus schools, particularly in Mathematics and Physical Science, have been granted one post (Post Level 1). |
2.5.4 |
The number of allocated focus school posts for 2010 is given in the educator staff establishment letter to the institution. |
2.5.5 |
The number of focus school posts does not have a bearing on the grading of the school. Though these posts are permanent, they are not taken into account when determining the number of promotion posts allocated to a school. |
2.6.1 |
The manner in which additional posts have been allocated to a Dinaledi school (over and above the fixed establishment of that particular Dinaledi school) remains the same. |
2.6.2 |
The rules that apply to focus school posts, also apply to Dinaledi posts. Though these posts are permanent, they are not taken into account when determining the number of promotion posts allocated to a school. |
2.7 |
2.7.1 |
We have issued 514 Foundation Phase posts to primary schools in 2009. We will issue these posts to the same primary schools, if they are still open, in 2010. These posts are permanent. Two factors play a role in determining whether a school will qualify for such a post: the number of learners in the Foundation Phase and the poverty factor of the school. Though this post is permanent, some schools will not receive the post in 2011. Note that having received the post in 2008, 2009 or 2010 will not automatically qualify the school for the post in 2011. It must be understood that the post is given to poorer schools to help with the Literacy and Numeracy results in those schools. |
2.7.2 |
We expect those schools that received this post for 2010 to show where the post has been used in Foundation Phase. If the post was used in a specific grade, the expectation is that the class size of all the classes in that grade will be less than 35 learners per educator. Schools that do not use the post in the prescribed manner and do not show any improvement in Literacy and Numeracy results in the affected grade will forfeit the post. The post should not be used to balance the school's timetable. |
2.7.3 |
These additional Post Level 1 posts may be used only in the Foundation Phase of the school. |
2.7.4 |
This means that all affected schools must have at least the number of Foundation Phase posts normally allocated to the school PLUS the additional Foundation Phase post(s) which has/have been allocated to the school. |
2.7.5 |
The additional Post Level 1 post(s) allocated may be filled in a permanent capacity. |
2.7.6 |
These posts are taken into account when determining the number of promotion posts allocated to a school. |
2.8 |
2.8.1 |
We have allocated 112 posts to primary schools in national quintile 1 for 2010 in order to reduce the learner:educator ratio in the Foundation Phase. We have issued these posts to the schools in national quintile 1 schools with the largest number of Foundation Phase learners. This has been done to strengthen the Literacy and Numeracy strategy of the WCED, a strategy aimed at improving the Literacy and Numeracy results in Foundation Phase. These posts are permanent. Two factors play a role in determining whether a school will qualify for such a post: the number of learners in the Foundation Phase and the poverty factor at the school. Though this post is permanent, having received such a post in 2010 does not mean that a school will automatically receive the post in 2011. The post is given to poorer schools to help with the Literacy and Numeracy results in those schools. We need to see that post put to good use. |
2.8.2 |
We expect those schools that received this post for 2010 to show where the post has been used in Foundation Phase. If the post was used in a specific grade in Foundation Phase, the expectation is that the class size for in all the classes in that grade will be less than 35 learners per educator. Schools that do not use the post in the prescribed manner and do not show any improvement in Literacy and Numeracy results in the affected grade will forfeit the post. The post must not be used to balance the school's timetable. |
2.8.3 |
These additional Post Level 1 posts may be used only in the Foundation Phase of the school. |
2.8.4 |
This means that all affected schools must have at least the number of Foundation Phase posts normally allocated to the school PLUS the Foundation Phase post(s) which has/have been allocated to the school. |
2.8.5 |
The additional Post Level 1 post(s) allocated may be filled in a permanent capacity. |
2.8.6 |
These posts are NOT taken into account when determining the number of promotion posts allocated to a school. |
2.9 |
LEARNING SUPPORT POSTS The learning support posts at ordinary public schools are linked to the establishments of education districts and therefore do not appear on the establishments of schools, except those allocated to ordinary public schools with approved unit classes. |
2.10 |
THERAPIST POSTS Four additional therapists' posts were allocated for the 2010 academic year. This gives a total of 136 posts to be distributed among special schools. |
2.11 |
PSYCHOLOGIST POSTS: SPECIAL PUBLIC SCHOOLS The psychologist posts at special public schools, where applicable, form part of the promotion posts. |
2.12 |
2.12.1 |
The WCED has distributed the number of affordable posts to institutions under its control, in accordance with the RPDM and the measures set out in this circular. Only officials working in the Directorate: Human Capital Planning of WCED may print an educator staff establishment for a school. |
2.12.2 |
We have used learner enrolment totals as at 3rd March 2009 (as was communicated to the schools) to determine the school's educator staff establishment. The learner totals do not include the pre-primary school learners. If a school experienced a sudden and substantial drop in its enrolment after 3 March 2009, the school's educator staff establishment would have been held back and then reduced if the school management could not provide a sound reason for this sudden drop in enrolment. This could lead to disciplinary hearings. Those schools who did not complete the capturing of their learners details on the CEMIS by 3rd March 2009, or who registered a large number of learners after 3rd March 2009, will have to apply for additional posts after the 10th school day in 2010. |
2.12.3 |
Schools will be allowed to challenge the computation of their educator staff establishment using only their 2009 learner enrolment. In order to challenge the computation, the school will have to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that the Directorate: Human Capital Planning of WCED was informed in writing before the 3rd March 2009 that the school had experienced problems with updating its CEMIS information before 3rd March 2009. No other reason will be acceptable. Such schools will be allowed to challenge the 2010 educator staff establishment online from 10:00 on 16 September 2009 until 15:00 on 18 September 2009. No letter to any WCED official will be entertained on this issue. No late challenges will be considered by WCED. |
2.12.4 |
However, the WCED realises that there could be heads of ordinary public schools who wish to have their establishments reviewed because of exceptional changes in the circumstances at their institutions. Fully substantiated requests for the revision of such establishments (application for curriculum posts) may be submitted online on CEMIS from 10:00 on 5 October 2009 until 15:00 on 23 October 2009. All these online applications will be processed by 30 November 2009 by the WCED's Directorate: Human Capital Planning. No late applications will be considered. No appeals against outcomes will be allowed. Criteria that will apply during the process of allocating additional posts to school are contained in Human Capital Planning Minute 0008/2009. |
2.13 |
2.13.1 |
If a school experiences a reduction in its learner enrolment when it re-opens in 2010, i.e. where the learner enrolment on the first day of school is lower than the learner enrolment reflected in its establishment for 2010, posts may be filled only to an extent equal to the learner: educator dispensation of that school's actual learner enrolment for 2010. In such a case, the ratio 1:37 must be used for primary schools and 1:33 for secondary schools. |
2.13.2 |
The above means, for example, that, should a school's staff establishment for 2010 of 1000 learners (based on the CEMIS 2009 data) make provision for 30 posts (which gives a learner: educator dispensation of 33,33:1 for the public ordinary school concerned) and the learner enrolment on the first school day of 2010 be only 920, the principal may fill only 28 posts (920÷ 33, 33 = 28 [27, 60]). The remaining two posts will be abolished and allocated to schools where there has been increased enrolment. This re-allocation will also be based on the number of learners registered on CEMIS. |
2.13.3 |
The above measure is NOT applicable to ordinary public schools where ALL posts are filled in a permanent capacity. However, should a post fall vacant, for whatever reason, the above measure will be applicable. |
2.14 |
2.14.1 |
The WCED reserves the right to abolish Post Level 1 posts if there is a drop in the school's learner enrolment during the course of 2010. In such cases, educators appointed in a temporary capacity will be transferred to posts at other institutions. Therefore, when recruiting educators on a temporary basis, heads of institutions are requested to inform applicants that they will be appointed on the understanding that they may have to be transferred to other institutions if posts are abolished as a result of a drop in enrolment. |
2.14.2 |
All contract appointments may be made only until 31 March 2010. Substantive contract appointments made from 1 April 2010, may be made until 31 December 2010, if the school qualifies for a post. |
2.14.3 |
We expect all schools to have updated their enrolment totals on the CEMIS by Tuesday, 2 March 2010. All schools whose learner enrolment on Tuesday, 2 March 2010 is less than their learner enrolment of 3 March 2009, will have their educator staff establishment recalculated by 12 March 2010. In cases where the school must lose a post or posts, then the number of substantive contract appointments equal to or fewer than the number of posts the school loses, will not be granted from 1 April 2010. |
2.14.4 |
In cases where there was an increase in learner enrolment from 3 March 2009 to 26 January 2010, the school will be allowed to apply online, during the period 13 January 2010 to 29 January 2010, for a growth post The enrolment total taken in consideration will be the enrolment total on CEMIS upon application. |
2.14.5 |
A school that deliberately does not de-register by 2 March 2010 learners who have left the school, will also have its educator staff establishment recalculated. |
2.15 |
2.15.1 |
Applications by schools to WCED for the creation of additional posts at ordinary public schools as a result of growth in learner enrolment or other contextual factors, must be submitted online, via CEMIS. No application will be considered if it is not done online, via CEMIS. These applications must be submitted during the period 13 January 2010 to 15:00 on Friday, 29 January 2010. |
2.15.2 |
Principals are requested to note the following:
- Applications for additional posts will be considered only until the end of the first school term in March 2010,
- Nominations of educators for additional posts by schools, applied for as a result of growth and/or curriculum needs of a school, may be made only after written approval has been obtained from the WCED's Director: Human Capital Planning or his or her delegate.
3.1 |
3.1.1 |
Where there has been an increase in the number of educator posts allocated to a public ordinary school, newly created posts may be filled in the following ways:
- Matching and placing of staff in excess (Note that the matching and placing of educators in excess is a continual process, which will be given preference over the advertising of posts.);
- Through advertisements in the Vacancy Lists with the view to the permanent filling of such posts (This means that Post Level 1 and promotion posts must be advertised at the earliest possible opportunity.);
- On a permanent or temporary basis, or in an acting capacity in terms of existing policy measures.
3.2 |
3.2.1 |
Where there has been a reduction in the number of posts allocated to an ordinary public school or special public school (i.e. a post or posts has/have been abolished), the school may fill posts only to the limit indicated on the staff establishment. It therefore follows that a school may not fill more posts than are provided for in its establishment. |
3.2.2 |
Should there be more permanently appointed educators at a school than the number of posts provided in the establishment of that school, the school may not make any further permanent or temporary appointments. |
3.2.3 |
Heads of institutions are also reminded that the WCED does not allocate substitutes to an institution where there are more permanently appointed educators than posts. |
3.2.4 |
Declaring a permanently appointed educator in excess must be done in terms of Collective Agreement 2/2003 of the ELRC. |
3.3 |
3.3.1 |
All posts that have already been advertised in a Departmental Vacancy List may be filled permanently, provided that the post appears on the 2010 staff establishment. |
3.3.2 |
Should an advertised post not appear on the 2010 staff establishment, the institution is not entitled to that post and such a post will be regarded as erroneously advertised. |
3.3.3 |
The stipulation, that an advertised post (particularly a promotion post) may be filled only if it does not create an additional educator in excess, remains in place. |
3.3.4 |
Should heads of institutions and governing bodies be of the opinion that the post description of the advertised post no longer meets the curriculum needs of the institution, they may request the WCED to regard the post as erroneously advertised. A detailed explanation must accompany such a request. |
3.4 |
Ad hoc posts may be filled only in a temporary capacity. All ad hoc posts will be appointed until 31 March 2010. They will be retained beyond that date by the school only if the school still qualifies for the post after a recalculation based on 2 March 2010 enrolment totals. The appointment of an ad hoc post-holder may not extend beyond 31 December 2010. |
3.5.1 |
The educators who have already been declared in excess, based on previous establishments and in accordance with previous processes, and who are still in excess, retain their in excess status. These educators will be dealt with in terms of the prevailing collective agreements of the ELRC. |
3.5.2 |
These educators in excess (refer to paragraph 3.5.1) may be absorbed into vacancies in the new staff establishment by way of matching and placing (refer to paragraph 3.1.1(a)). |
3.5.3 |
As indicated in paragraph 3.2.4 above, permanently appointed educators must be identified as in excess in terms of Collective Agreement 2 of 2003 of the ELRC.
4. |
Kindly address all enquiries pertaining to this circular (measures, etc.) to circuit team managers. |
5. |
GENERAL Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all educators and school governing body members. |
DATE: 2009:08:28