1. Introduction
1.1 White Paper 6 on Special Needs Education of July 2001 states that the education and training system should promote education for all and foster the development of inclusive and supportive centres of learning.
1.2 In support of the national inclusive education system, Government Gazette 29626, The National Policy on Assessment and Qualifications for Schools in the General Education and Training Band of 12 February 2007, stipulates the rules for promotion with an exemption for learners in Grade 9.
1.3 This circular serves to explain the processes and procedures for managing applications for exemptions and concessions in Grade 9.
2. Exemptions
2.1 An exemption will be allowed if, based on the specific needs and circumstances of the learner, it will not be expected of the learner to meet all the promotion requirements for a particular grade. Exemptions will only be granted in the Languages and Mathematics Learning Areas.
2.2 Exemptions may be granted in the following cases:
2.2.1 An immigrant learner: The learner must be in possession of the official relevant documentation confirming immigrant status from the Department of Home Affairs;
2.2.2 A child or a dependant of a diplomatic representative of a foreign government accredited in South Africa;
2.2.3 A person / learner who first enrolled at and entered a South African School in Grade 7 or a more senior grade;
2.2.4 A learner who, having begun his or her schooling at a school in South Africa, has attended school outside South Africa for two or more consecutive years after Grade 6 or its equivalent; and
2.2.5 Learners with any other special needs, including deaf learners, learners suffering from any serious form of language development dysfunction, for example, dyslexia or learners suffering from mathematical disorders, such as dyscalculia.
3. Concessions
3.1 A concession is granted based on the specific needs and circumstances of the learner. In most cases the learner will be allowed additional time or any other alternative or adapted method of examining in order to be able to fulfil the assessment requirements for a particular grade.
3.2 Learners who are eligible for support are the following:
3.2.1 Those who have special education needs arising from a disability, learning difficulty, learning disability or behavioural disorder, which creates a barrier to the learner achieving his/her full potential in the assessment
3.2.2 Learners who experience physical barriers, and whose writing will be affected by conditions affecting muscle strength and the mobility of the wrist, as well as learners who have an impaired function in the hands, arms, legs, trunk and/ or neck
4. Procedures for application for exemption
4.1 An application for exemption must be made immediately after the learner is admitted to a school for the first time in South Africa, and not only when the learner is entered for an examination.
4.2 The attached form (Addendum A) must be completed when applying for language exemption. The completed form must be accompanied by the relevant official documentation.
4.3 Learners who are domiciled temporarily in South Africa require a study permit issued by the Department of Home Affairs. A certified copy of the permit must accompany the application for language exemption.
5. Procedures for the application for concession
5.1 To apply for concessions, a detailed professional report (not older than 1 year) from a medical doctor, paramedic or psychologist, as well as other supporting evidence (test results, examination results, etc.) must accompany the appropriate application form. (Addendums B1 and B2)
5.2 A report from the educational support team (EST) of the school, which includes a scholastic history of at least two previous years and a report on the interventions undertaken by the school to support the learner, as well as other supporting evidence (test results, examination results, etc.), must accompany the appropriate application form.
6. Approval of applications for concessions and exemptions
6.1 All applications for concessions and exemptions must be submitted in writing to the district director for the attention of the SES manager, via the school principals.
6.2 A certified copy of the learner's identity document, birth certificate or passport must also accompany the application.
6.3 The district-based support team of the Special Educational Needs component of each district will continue to play the professional verification role and will investigate and ensure that each approved application is valid and fair.
6.4 The date of approval of the exemption must be registered on the learner's record and the letter of exemption/approval must be attached to the record card if he or she is transferred to a new school.
6.5 The departmental letter of approval of exemptions and concessions will be sent from the district director directly to the school within a month after the application has been submitted to the education district office.
6.6 A summary of all the approved applications for exemptions and concessions must be submitted to the following address by 28 February of each year.
Mr André Clausen
Director: Examinations Administration
Western Cape Education Department
Room 512
Grand Central Towers
Lower Parliament Street
Cape Town
Tel no. 021 467 2945
6.7 It has come to the attention of the Western Cape Education Department that the timelines indicated in paragraph 3.3 of Assessment Management Minute 0007/2009 were not favourable to all role players. It is for this reason that special arrangements have been made to accept the approved list of applications for concessions and exemptions until 31 July 2009. These arrangements will only apply for 2009.
6.8 District officials are requested to use this period to verify the applications that were submitted in response to Assessment Management Minute 0007/2009.
7. The correct registration of learners on the CEMIS system remains the responsibility of the school principal.
8. Officials, education managers and teachers are kindly requested to ensure that this information reaches and is understood by all role players.
9. Your co-operation in this regard will be appreciated.

DATE: 2009:06:25

Addendum A  (size: 65 KB)
Addendum B1  (size: 82 KB)
Addendum B2  (size: 62 KB)
Addendum B3  (size: 54 KB)

Government Gazette 29626: National Policy on Assessment and Qualifications for schools in the General Education and Training Band (GET)  (size: 947 KB)