1. |
Attached is the timetable for the candidates who will be writing the 2008 Senior Certificate Supplementary Examination as well as part time candidates who will be writing the May / June 2008 Senior Certificate Examination.
2. |
The closing date for these entries is Thursday 31 January 2008. Principals of schools and candidates are requested to adhere strictly to this date, as late entries will not be accepted.
3. |
Examination centres for the writing of the supplementary examinations will be established at secondary schools and other venues as determined by the Department. If a school is not available as a venue for the supplementary examination, the principal must notify his or her circuit manager by no later than 31 January 2008 so that an alternative venue can be arranged.
4. |
The chief invigilator must ensure that candidates enter the examination venue 30 minutes before the official starting time of the examination session. This time is to be used as follows:
4.1 |
The first 20 minutes must be used to settle the candidates in their correct seats, to distribute question papers, etc.
4.2 |
During the remaining 10 minutes candidates must read through the question paper.
5. |
No writing or making of notes is allowed at any stage during this period of 30 minutes. An infringement of this rule will constitute an irregularity.
6. |
Candidates must finish writing at the time indicated on the examination timetable.
7. |
Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all candidates who wrote the November 2007 Senior Certificate Examination and any candidates who intend to write the May / June 2008 examination.
DATE: 2008:01:18