1. The policy document, the National policy on the Conduct, Administration and Management of the National Senior Certificate: A qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) in Gazette 30048, indicates that each school must establish a School Assessment Irregularities Committee (SAIC).

2. The policy provides for the establishment of the following structures in the management of assessment irregularities at national, provincial and school levels:
2.1 The Minister of Education must establish a National Examinations Irregularities Committee (NEIC) to support the provincial departments in ensuring the credibility of assessments and examinations;
2.2 Provincial education departments must establish a Provincial Examinations Irregularities Committee (PEIC) to investigate irregularities and make recommendations to the MEC and Head of Department.
2.3 Internal assessment irregularities involving learners must be dealt with at the level of the school or learning institution by the School Assessment Irregularities Committee (SAIC), in accordance with the policy provided by the provincial department of education.

3. It is expected of each school to establish a SAIC. The process, roles and responsibilities of the SAIC must be specified in the school assessment policy. Attached to this circular as Addendum A is a guideline on how the SAIC should be established and what the composition and jurisdiction of such a committee should be.
4. Schools are expected to have their SAICs established and fully functional by 30 June 2008.
5. The SAIC will address all assessment irregularities, both at GET and FET levels. The SAIC will play a major role in the irregularities relating to the CTA’s and the Grade 12 assessment.
6. The WCED will monitor the establishment of the SAICs from June 2008 onwards.
7. Government Gazette No. 30048 can be downloaded from the assessment and examinations web site of the WCED at http://curriculum.pgwc.gov.za/site/21/page/view.
8. Your co-operation in this regard will be appreciated.

DATE: 2008:05:12

Addendum A: Guidelines for the establishment ...  (size: 23 KB)