1. At the meeting of the Council of Education Ministers on 4 June 2007, it was approved that the Senior Certificate examinations (old curriculum) after 2007 will be conducted in May/June each year, instead of October and November.
2. The supplementary examination of 2008 will now be written concurrently with the main 2008 Senior Certificate examinations in May/June 2008. Thereafter, the Senior Certificate examinations (old curriculum subjects) will be written in May/June of each year until May/June 2011.
3. The supplementary examinations for the National Senior Certificate (new curriculum) will take place in February/March of each year.

4. Implications for full-time candidates of October and November 2007
4.1 The supplementary examination will be written in May/June 2008 instead of February/March 2008.
4.2 Candidates registering for the May/June 2008 Senior Certificate examinations will not be limited to a maximum of two subjects, as previously prescribed, but may enter for any number of subjects.
4.3 The closing date for registration for the May/June 2008 supplementary examinations will be 31 January 2008.
4.4 The current Grade 12 candidates who do not complete the Senior Certificate course requirement in May/June 2008 will have another opportunity to do so in May/June of each year up until May/June 2011.
4.5 Any candidates entering for the May/June examinations from 2008 to 2011 must prove that they registered for the 2007 Senior Certificate examinations and/or prior Senior Certificate examinations.

5. Implications of this change for part-time candidates who were to sit for the Senior Certificate Examinations of October and November 2008 and later
5.1 From 2008 onwards, only one examination in May/June of each year up to 2011 will be available for these candidates.
5.2 The closing date for the registration of all part-time candidates will be 31 January 2008.
5.3 Candidates will have to prove that they registered for the 2007 Senior Certificate examinations and/or prior Senior Certificate examinations.

6. You are kindly requested to inform all your full-time and part-time Senior Certificate candidates of the implications of the above.

DATE: 2007:11:01