1. On 5 December 2006 the Minister of Education approved the policy document: An Addendum to the Policy Document, The National Senior Certificate: A Qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), regarding Learners with Special Needs, which was published as Government Notice No. 1266 in the Government Gazette, Vol. 498, No. 29466 of 11 December 2006.
2. This amendment accommodates learners with special needs who cannot meet the requirements of mainstream schools, especially those who need special teaching methods. This amended policy is effective as from 1 January 2007.
3. Grade 10 - 12 learners who are experiencing barriers to learning (as defined in this policy) may therefore follow one of the two following learning pathways to obtain a qualification:
3.1 The National Senior Certificate (NSC) as stipulated in the policy document, The National Senior Certificate: A qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). Teachers may, however, in their learning programmes cater for the special needs of these learners by adapting only the activities in their learning programmes.


3.2 The National Senior Certificate as stipulated in the document: An Addendum to the Policy Document, The National Senior Certificate: A Qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), regarding Learners with Special Needs
4. A printed copy of the above-mentioned Gazette will be posted to schools.
5. Kindly ensure that all teachers teaching Grades 10 to 12 familiarise themselves with the content and implications of this policy.

DATE: 2007:03:15

Government Gazette 29466  (size: 524 KB)  (document adapted for delivery via the Internet)