1. Introduction
1.1 The National Senior Certificate, which will be written for the first time in 2008, allows candidates to offer one subject from an assessment body other than the national Department of Education.
1.2 Such subjects may be offered only if they have been accommodated in national policy.
2. Approval of Modern Greek
2.1 According to Circular S5 of 2006, the Minister of Education has approved the following subject from the Independent Examination Board, which will now be included in the National Curriculum Statement Grades 10 – 12 (General) as a non-official language:
 Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12
Modern Greek Second Additional Language040700120407002304070034
2.2 Modern Greek Second Additional Language will be documented as above in paragraph C2 of the policy document National Senior Certificate: A qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).
2.3 The IEB will be responsible for the internal assessment and final examination for Modern Greek. They will also be responsible for the moderation of internal assessments. Candidates offering Modern Greek must, therefore, as part of their normal registration for the National Senior Certificate at the school which they attend, also register with the IEB for the conducting of the internal assessment and the final external examination of the subject. Candidates should note that the IEB charges for each subject for which a candidate registers and the fee for Modern Greek can be obtained by contacting the IEB directly.
2.4 Modern Greek will be introduced for the first time in Grade 10 in January 2007. The first external examination in Grade 12 will be conducted in 2009.
2.5 Learners opting to do Modern Greek can do so from 2007, subject to the provision, mentioned in Circular 0021/2006, that a maximum of one subject from an accredited examinations body other than the Department of Education may be included in the subject package of a National Senior Certificate candidate.
3. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all staff and parents.

DATE: 2006:07:28