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Thirteen non-official languages have been approved at the following levels in the National Curriculum Statement (NCS) Grades 10 – 12 (General) for implementation in Grade 10 in 2006:
Arabic Second Additional Language
French Second Additional Language
German Home and Second Additional Language
Gujarati Home, First and Second Additional Language
Hebrew Second Additional Language
Hindi Home, First and Second Additional Language
Italian Second Additional Language
Latin Second Additional Language
Portuguese Home, First and Second Additional Language
Spanish Second Additional Language
Tamil Home, First and Second Additional Language
Telegu Home, First and Second Additional Language
Urdu Home, First and Second Additional Language
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Subject statements for the 13 non-official languages Grades 10 – 12 (General) will not be made available in print, but will be available on the Department of Education’s website http://www.education.gov.za, on http://www.thutong.org.za and on the WCED website http://wced.wcape.gov.za in June 2006.
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The Subject Assessment Guidelines Grades 10 – 12 for English will be applicable for all non-official languages. A separate document is available for each of the three language levels and can be obtained from the WCED FET (Schools) Assessment website policy page (http://curriculum.wcape.school.za/site/22/pol/view/) as documents "AS 18" (Ist Additional Language), "AS 19" (Home Language) and "AS 20" (2nd Additional Language).
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The Learning Programme Guidelines Grades 10 – 12 for English are also applicable to all non-official languages. This generic document for the Home, First Additional and Second Additional levels can be also be obtained from the web page http://curriculum.wcape.school.za/ site/22/pol/view/ as document "LPG 13".
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Non-official languages that are offered as part of the learner’s subject choices should be allocated four hours each per week.
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The existing teacher structure of the WCED serves as basis for the continuous offering of the identified non-official languages.
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Should a school wish to offer a non-official language, an application must be made to the WCED for approval to offer such a language.
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The National Senior Certificate allows learners to offer a maximum of four languages toward the qualification. A learner may therefore only offer a maximum of two additional languages over and above the two official languages. These languages will be Group B subjects as classified within the National Senior Certificate policy.
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Non-official languages will be examined for the National Senior Certificate as from 2008. The Independent Examination Board (IEB) will be responsible for the final external examination of the non-official languages.
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Kindly ensure that the information in this circular is shared with all staff, especially language and life orientation teachers, the learners and parents.
DATE: 2006:05:07