1. The establishment of institution-level support teams is proposed in Education White Paper 6: Special Needs Education: Building an Inclusive Education and Training System in order to support learners with barriers to learning in schools. Institution-level support teams (education support teams) provide the mechanism for developing effective and appropriate strategies to support educators in preventing, removing and compensating for barriers to learning. It is expected of each WCED school to establish an education support team. The WCED wishes to congratulate the many schools that have already established ESTs (previously called TSTs) and is pleased with the excellent progress that has been made with the development of these teams.
2. A manual providing guidelines on the composition and functions of the education support team (EST) is being distributed via the EMDCs to all schools. The EMDCs will provide support to schools in the establishing of ESTs and the training of personnel.
3. In terms of the South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act 84 of 1996), every school governing body (SGB) “must co-opt a person or persons with expertise regarding learners' special educational needs” (p.18, Section 23.5). It is recommended that the co-ordinator of the EST be co-opted onto the SGB for this purpose.
4. Any enquiries regarding the establishment and functions of ESTs may be directed to the Head: Specialised Learner and Educator Support at your EMDC. The contact details for the various EMDCs are as follows:
EMDC: Metropole South        Mrs B Daniels    Tel 021 370 2000 
EMDC: Metropole Central      Mr E Hassen      Tel 021 659 4300    
EMDC: Metropole East         Dr M Bunding     Tel 021 900 7028  
EMDC: Metropole North        Dr J Pretorius   Tel 021 659 4300
EMDC: West Coast /Winelands  Dr L de Jager    Tel 021 860 1204
EMDC: South Cape/Karoo       Mr F Tallie      Tel 044 873 8310
EMDC: Breederivier/Overberg  Dr G Barkhuizen  Tel 023 348 4656
5. It would be appreciated if principals of educational institutions would bring the contents of this circular and the manual for the EST to the attention of their staffs and governing bodies for their information.
6. The WCED expects that the establishment of the ESTs will substantially contribute to the support of learners experiencing barriers to learning.

DATE: 2004:12:13

Education White Paper 6: Special Needs Education  (size: 674 KB)