1. |
Nominations in respect of the filling of substantive vacant posts with effect from 1 January 2006 are awaited. The due date for the submission of the nomination forms is 30 December 2005. ( Please note that nominations must be posted to, The Head: Education, Directorate Personnel Provisioning, Private Bag X9114, Cape Town, 8000 )
2. |
Please note that substantive vacant posts may be filled for a full year (1 January to 31 December). As the post level 1 posts will only be advertised in the latter half of 2006 with a view to permanent filling thereof with effect from 1 January 2007, the nominating bodies are encouraged to nominate temporary educators for the whole of 2006 as far as possible.
3. |
Educators who left the service with the Voluntary Severance Package (VSP) may only be nominated for appointment if there is no suitably qualified (unemployed) educator available for appointment. These educators (who accepted the VSP) may only be nominated on a quarterly basis, which nomination must be supported by a full motivation of the nominating body. Such nomination must also be accompanied by the recommendation of the circuit manager.
4. |
No nomination that will result in net excess at an institution will be approved.
5. |
For the sake of completeness, it should be mentioned that a nomination consists of the following documentation:
Nomination form (A3)
Application form (A2)
Z56 form in the case of a first appointment
for depositing of salary in bank account
Certified copies of qualifications
6. |
Incomplete nominations cannot be processed and will result in the late payment of salaries. Nominating bodies are therefore requested to ensure that nominations are complete (as indicated above) when submitted.
7. |
You are once again reminded of the importance of the timeous submission of nomination forms, as there is only one payment run per week. The late submission of nomination forms will inevitably result in the late payment of salaries, which the department wishes to avoid.
8. |
Your co-operation is appreciated. |
DATE: 2005:1:09