1.1 The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) is pleased to announce that the overall number of affordable posts for 2006 for utilisation in the system as whole has been increased by 292 posts. Some of these posts will be utilised for the following:
  • To support certain identified Dinaledi schools;

  • To support EMDCs and certain identified schools with the introduction of Xhosa;

  • To introduce a pilot on the use of class assistants at schools in an effort to improve the Literacy and Numeracy levels of learners.

Further details regarding the above will be made available in further and separate circulars.

1.2 The staff establishments of public ordinary schools were determined in terms of the national Revised Post Distribution Model (RPDM) which was attached to Circular 0143/2002 of 15 November 2002 as Annexure A. This means that the same principles and measures used for the 2003 to 2005 staff establishments were also used for 2006.
1.3 As prescribed by legislation, the WCED duly consulted the employee parties to the Provincial Education Labour Relations Council (PELRC) as well as the recognised school governing body associations on the staff establishments of public ordinary schools.
2.1 In terms of the measures of the RPDM, public ordinary schools must be issued with their staff establishments annually before the end of September of the previous year. This means that all staff establishments issued to public ordinary schools, as well as all additional post level 1 posts created during 2005 as a result of increased learner enrolment or the curriculum needs of an institution, will expire at the end of 2005.
2.2 The ad hoc posts (over and above the posts reflected in the fixed establishment of a school) granted to schools at the end of 2004 for utilisation in 2005 to ensure that certain schools had a learner:educator dispensation of 33:1 (secondary schools) or 39,5:1 (primary schools) will also expire at the end of 2005.
2.3 Schools will be informed in a separate letter of their position with regard to the ad hoc posts for 2006.
2.4 The post structure and descriptions contained in Collective Agreement 4/2003  [size: 340 KB]  of the ELRC are applicable to the staff establishments.
2.5 Posts of principal, with the exception of posts of principal P1 which are now on post level 2, have, in terms of Collective Agreement 4/2003 of the ELRC, been placed on post level 4. The grading norms in respect of posts of principals have not yet been finalised in the ELRC and consequently all schools must retain their 2003 gradings until further notice.

The WCED reserves the right to recalculate a staff establishment if any information is found to be incorrect.

2.7.1 Where there is a decrease in the learner enrolment when the schools reopen in 2006, i.e. where the learner enrolment on the first day of school is lower than the learner enrolment (annual survey figure 2005) reflected in the establishment for 2006, posts may only be filled to the extent equal to the learner:educator dispensation of the establishment 2006.
2.7.2 The above means that should a school’s establishment 2006, based on the annual survey figure 2005 of 1000 learners make provision for 30 posts (which gives a learner:educator dispensation of 33.33 in respect of the school concerned) and the learner enrolment on the first school day of 2006 is 920, the principal may fill only 28 posts (920÷ 33.33 = 28 (27.60)). The remaining two posts will be abolished and allocated to other schools where there has been growth.
2.7.3 Principals must bring the decrease in the learner enrolment to the attention of the circuit manager by the tenth school day of 2006.
2.7.4 The above measure is NOT applicable to schools where ALL posts are filled in a permanent capacity. However, should a post then fall vacant for whatever reason, the above measure will apply.

The WCED reserves the right to abolish post level 1 posts if there is a decrease in the school’s learner enrolment during the course of the year, 2006. In such cases, educators appointed in a temporary capacity will be transferred to posts at other institutions. Heads of institutions are therefore requested to inform educators to be appointed on a temporary basis when they are recruited for appointment, that they will be appointed with the reservation that they will be transferred to other institutions when posts are abolished owing to a decrease in learner enrolment.


Applications for the creation of additional posts as a result of growth in learner enrolment must be submitted to the WCED in accordance with Circular 0011/2003 of 16 January 2003 for the attention of the Head: Subdirectorate: Provisioning (Directorate: Personnel Management (Educators)).

Please note that the learner enrolment, on which the application for the additional posts is based, will be verified against the learner enrolment as reflected in the Learner Tracking System (LTS). Should there be a difference between the two enrolments (application vs LTS), then the enrolment according to the LTS will apply.


In a case where there has been an increase in the number of educator posts, newly created posts may be filled in the following ways:

3.1.1 Matching and placement of excess staff (note that the matching and placement of excess educators is a continuous process which will be given preference over the advertising of posts.)
3.1.2 Through advertisement in the vacancy list with the view to the permanent filling thereof (This means that post level 1 and promotion posts must be advertised at the earliest possible opportunity.)
3.1.3 On a temporary basis or in an acting capacity in terms of existing policy measures
3.2.1 In a case where there has been a decrease in the number of posts (i.e. a post or posts has/have been abolished), the educational institution may fill posts only to the limit indicated on the staff establishment. It therefore follows that an educational institution may not fill more posts than are provided for in its establishment.
3.2.2 Should there be more permanently appointed educators than the number of posts provided for in the establishment, the educational institution may not make any further appointments, whether permanent or temporary.
3.2.3 Heads of institutions are also reminded that the WCED does not allocate substitutes to an institution where there are more permanently appointed educators than posts.
3.2.4 Permanently appointed educators must be declared in excess in terms of Collective Agreement 2/2003  [size: 136 KB]  of the ELRC.
3.3.1 All posts that have already been advertised in a departmental vacancy list may be filled permanently, provided that the post appears on the 2006 staff establishment.
3.3.2 Should an advertised post not appear on the 2006 staff establishment, the institution is not entitled to that post and such post will be regarded as erroneously advertised.
3.3.3 The measure whereby an advertised post may be filled only if it does not create an additional educator in excess, remains in place.
3.3.4 Should heads of institutions and governing bodies be of the opinion that the post description of the advertised post no longer meets the curriculum needs of the institution, they may request the WCED to regard the post as erroneously advertised. A detailed explanation must accompany such a request.
3.4.1 Educators who have already been declared in excess based on previous establishments and in accordance with previous processes, and who are still in excess, retain their in excess status. These educators will be dealt with in terms of the prevailing collective agreements of the ELRC.
3.4.2 These excess educators (refer to paragraph 3.4.1) may be absorbed in vacancies in the new staff establishment by way of matching and placement (refer to paragraph 3.1.1).
3.4.3 As indicated in paragraph 3.2.4 above, permanently appointed educators must be identified as in excess in terms of Collective Agreement 2/2003 of the ELRC.
3.5.1 The WCED has distributed the number of affordable posts to institutions under its control strictly in accordance with the RPDM (refer to paragraph 1.2 above), especially with regard to the factors and formulae contained therein. These factors and formulae were thoroughly checked in order to ensure that no school is disadvantaged in terms of the RPDM.
3.5.2 The WCED realises that there could, however, be heads who wish to have their establishments reviewed because of exceptional changes in the circumstances at their institutions. Fully motivated requests for the revision of establishments may be submitted to the WCED for the attention of the Head: Subdirectorate: Provisioning (Directorate: Personnel Management (Educators)).

Address enquiries pertaining to this circular (measures, etc.) to circuit managers.


Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all educators and governing body members.

DATE: 2005:09:13

The document, referred to in this Circular, was sent to schools.